Easter Gifts

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Ethan and Josh's first holiday with their new family doesn't go quite as planned.

Ethan and Josh stood just behind JJ's legs. It had only been a month since they had come to live with their new guardians; Josh had only been out of hospital for three weeks and only allowed out and about for the last ten days. The boys hadn't even started school yet but Simon and JJ, working with the boys doctor and counsellor, had decided to wait until after the Easter holiday before attempting to pass that milestone.

The two boys had to deal with a lot of upheaval in four short weeks. First they were rescued, then Ethan moved in with the young couple while Josh was in the hospital. Josh had been released from the hospital and also moved out to the farmhouse with them. They'd both had to get used to living in a proper house and interacting with their new older brother Tobi. They seemed to like him well enough, but were still learning to trust him. All that was more than enough for two small, traumatised boys to deal with in just four weeks.

It was the Thursday before Easter. Ethan had informed everyone that the next day was 'Good Friday' but he wasn't sure why it was good. Callux had told them that today was called Maundy Thursday. Why it was called that was apparently not important for small boys to worry about. Simon, JJ and all some of their friends didn't have to work on Friday and the boys had been promised a long weekend of fun. Simon had asked one of the guys who looked after the horses to give them a lesson. When he'd first heard the house came with horses, he'd meant to sell them straight away, but then JJ had thought they were cool and then Tobi had come along and thought they were awesome, and now the two seven year olds thought they were the best thing in the world.  There was also to be an Easter egg hunt and on Sunday, they were promised a feast.

They had taken the boys into a nearby town for some food. They had greatly enjoyed their lunch with their new guardians and their friends at the Chinese restaurant, before spending the afternoon at a local day care centre with Tobi. JJ had come up to collect them early. He hated to admit it, but he missed the little ones when they weren't around, particularly the little chestnut haired one who seemed to almost match JJ for craziness.

"Hi guys, we're here," JJ announced as he walked into the YouTube headquarters in London. "Where's Simon?" he asked, knowing Josh and Ethan would be anxious to see their guardian and saviour as soon as they got there, and more than a little surprised to see that he wasn't there to greet them.

"He was called up to see someone" Deji informed him. "Said he wouldn't be long."

JJ looked down at Josh, who looked crestfallen. "Hey, none of that. He'll be back soon. Come on and sit over here."

He lead the two boys over to a waiting area with rather cluttered but kid-friendly desk while Tobi ran over to one of the pool tables to watch a game. "Now, what would you like to do to pass the time?"

Ethan frowned, then turned to Josh and whispered in his ear. Josh smiled then nodded.

"We made cards in that care place today," Ethan began to explain. "For Mr Cal and Mr Deji. Can we give them out?"

"We made cards for you too," Josh explained quickly.

"But we want to give them to you on Sunday, when it's the real Easter," Ethan finished.

"Well, you know all the guys are coming over to the farmhouse on Sunday, to watch football, remember?"

Josh chewed his lip, then looked at Ethan. There was another whispered conversation, before two sets of big eyes looked back at JJ. "We wanna do it now," Ethan announced solemnly.

"Well alright, you go ahead."

The two boys headed off towards Callux, who was just chatting with an up and coming vlogger.

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