The Birdman Pt. 6

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Three heads turned as Lizzie entered the room. JJ looked around her and not seeing the boy, asked, "Where's Ethan?"

"We're having a small problem. He is very agitated and will not speak to Sergeant Ackers. I was hoping you could help."

JJ did not hesitate. He was out the door in two strides. He had just cleared the doorway when he heard Ethan's cry and he tore off down the hallway. Seeing the man step into the hall with the child clutched to his chest, JJ slid to a stop, yelling, "Bergman, stop! Put him down." He heard Simon slide to a stop behind him.

Bergman turned and cursed when he saw the two men standing in the hall. He glanced over his shoulder and saw an exit sign.

"Boys, I'm leaving here now and I'm taking the boy with me."

Simon stepped up so he stood even with JJ. "The fuck you are."

Ethan shuddered as the man tightened his grip. Looking past the two men, he saw Josh. Reaching out, tears running down his face, he pleaded. "Josh, help me. It's the bird man. Please, help."

Simon heard Lizzie struggling with the child and turned to glare at his other son.

"Josh. Stay. JJ and I will get Ethan back."

The youngster tightened his lips and stopped his struggling and Simon turned back to the scene in front of him. The sight of the boy pleading to be rescued tore his heart apart. He knew JJ was quickly reaching a breaking point.

"Why are you doing this, David?"

"I have orders to take the boy into protective custody."

"Well, I think you're going about it all wrong here, man." JJ took a step forward as he spoke.

Bergman threw up a hand. "I have my orders."

"No, I didn't say anything. I don't want to go!" Ethan slapped at the arm that held him.

"The boy doesn't know anything. He can't help with your investigation. Just let him go." JJ's voice lowered as he spoke, the threat unspoken, but evident.

Bergman started backing slowly toward the door. If he could just reach the door, he might be able to get out of this intact. But the next words spoken extinguished that hope.

Ethan's arms stretched out, his fingers clenching and unclenching in a desperate plea. "Papa, Dad, please, he'll hit me like he hit mum. Please."

The air was electrified with the boy's announcement. JJ's eyes tore into the man. Simon heard the social worker once again struggling with Josh. He caught a hint of motion and turned in time to grab the boy as he tried to dart past. Simon spun around as he wrestled with the child. Lizzie came up and wrapped her arms around the boy, almost lifting him off the ground.

She spoke softly into his ear. "Josh, you are distracting your dads from rescuing Ethan. Let them do their job as fathers. You trust them, don't you?" She felt him nod against her shoulder and hugged him tight as she went into her office and closed the door and went to call the police.

Simon briefly watched them and then turned back to Bergman. The sergeant was standing against the exit door. He pushed the bar and opened the door. Instantly, the emergency alarm sounded. Bergman stepped out of the door.

JJ and Simon bolted down the hallway as people began to file down the hall in response to the alarm. They pushed their way through, yelling that it was a false alarm, as they went.

Reaching the door, they pushed through in time to see Bergman heading around the corner to the front of the building. Simon's long legs pulled him out in front of JJ and he rounded the corner several seconds ahead of his partner. He caught sight of the fleeing man as he reached the front steps and doubled his efforts.

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