Father and Son Pt. 3

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"Papa, when's Josh and Dad gonna come home?" Ethan asked from where he stood in the window watching for his dad's car. The snow had gotten thicker and there was now more than three inches on the ground.

"It's really snowing out there, kiddo. Dad is probably just driving really slow to make sure they get home safe."

"I'm getting hungry."

"Me too, kiddo. I tell you what we'll do. You go find that bag of marshmallows while I call Dad and see where they are. That way we can have hot chocolate ready for them when they get here."

"Josh loves hot chocolate with lots of Martian-mallows," little Harry piped up. "Can we put in extra?"

"Sure we can," JJ smiled as the little boy hurried into the kitchen. He looked at his watch and frowned. Simon had called well over two hours ago and JJ knew if something happened with the car his partner would've called. He grabbed his phone and called him while he continued to gaze out on the snow-covered landscape. He let the phone ring until Simon's answer machine picked up and he listened to the voice-activated message.

"Hey, babe, kids are getting hungry. Call me and let me know how much longer before you and Josh get home?" He hung up and turned to find Harry holding a bag in his right hand while the left one shoved a fluffy white marshmallow into his mouth.

"Are they coming?" Harry asked around the mouthful of sponge.

"Hey, what did I tell you about talking with your mouth full of food?" JJ teased as he picked the child up in his arms.

"Dad says they're not food...they're sweets!"

"Wise guy," JJ said, tickling the little boy as he walked towards the kitchen. His senses were reeling as he tried to figure out what could have happened to keep Simon from answering the phone. His boyfriend was always good when it came to letting him know where he was when he had one of the boys with him, especially during a storm of this level. Visions of the car stuck in a high drift clouded his mind, but he pushed it away as he placed Harry down on the counter. He reached into the cupboard and pulled out the can of instant hot chocolate before pouring milk into a large mug and putting it in the microwave.

"Papa?" Tobi asked, entering the kitchen.

"Yeah Tobi?"

"Are they gonna get here soon?"

"They will, but why don't I make us all sandwiches until they do, okay?"

"But I want a burger and chips and a coke!" Harry exclaimed.

"I know and you'll have them as soon as Dad and Josh get home, but right now my stomach's about to take a bite out of my back..."

"It is?" the child's blue eyes lit up with wonder.

"Yep. It's teeth are so sharp I might end up eating myself!"

"Ah, Papa, your just being silly. Your belly's got no teeth," Harry said, shaking his head at the man.

"Now how would you know that, kiddo?"

"Cause your teeth are in your mouth. Dr. Carrie said mine are really clean. No cav'ties!" the boy said smiling widely and showing his teeth.

"That's because you brush them and do a very good job of keeping them clean. Do you have any loose ones?" JJ asked as he stirred the milk.

"No, not yet, but Josh and Ethan do. Dr. Carrie says they're gonna lose them all. Is that true Papa? Will they lose all their teeth? How will they eat if they've got no teeth?"

"Hold on there, Harry. One question at a time," JJ laughed as Harry tried to wiggle his front tooth. "Dr. Carrie is right, you'll all lose all your baby teeth, but then you'll get your adult teeth and those will stay with you all your life so you'd better make sure you brush and floss all the time."

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