Chapter 3

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Riley's POV:

We hear a big bang and then everything goes pitch black. All the girls scream as we hug each other. We notice that she turned off the lights and shut the door hardly so the boys are trying to find the light switches and trust me it was a little funny how we would hear them say that they thought they had it but then yet they crashed into the walls. Finally they found the lights and they turned them on. 

Eldon: Hey Riley?

Riley: yeah

Eldon: how come Beth said for you, Michelle, and Emily to watch your backs. have you guys done anything to her that has made her want to do it

Riley: not that i know of. I would understand why Beth might be mad at me since i am dating James and she likes James; but i have not idea why she would be mad at Mitchie and Em

Eldon: huh thats weird

Emily: yeah

James: why not we just go to sleep and we will sort it out in the morning

Giselle: wow james!

James: what?

Chloe: that the second time we have heard something intelligent come out of your mouth

Stephanie: usually its just "dont even worry about it"

Tiffany: haha yeah

James: hey! i can be serious 

West: really?

Daniel: you have only been serious for 2 times on what i have heard

Riley: lets jst go to bed

Michelle: yeah im tired

Emily: me too. its been a long day with winning regionals, going to a party and all that stuff

West: dont forget about the part of waking up early

Chloe: dont remind me it was so hard for me

Eldon: well i dont know about you guys but can we get to our rooms because i cant go to sleep until you ahve left my room

Giselle: hey Daneil! where are you going to sleep tonight

Daneil: i dont know

West: here stay with us

Daniel: really

Eldon: yeah

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