Chapter 24

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James' POV:

Riley and I start performing our duet to Amanda. We are right now doing really well. At the end Amanda congratulates us and tell us an amazing job. Then she asks u which kind if style should she do. We thought about it and that she should do a jazz solo. She agree dead and walked to go and rehearse.

Later on, when Riley and I were just taking a break of course b troupe comes in and starts asking us questions. Riley groans and out her head on my shoulder.

Riley: who are you guys always here or have to ruin it when it is just me and James

Beth: because we feel like it is the perfect time

James: okay just get it over with and say the questions

Beth: the only thing we want is to sort of help and choreograph your dance

Riley: why would we let people who are behind us and lower than us teach us a our choreography

Beth: well then let's just see it

James: no thanks

Beth: James plea

Riley's POV:

I all of a sudden start to get really tired. My head start to spin like how it did a couple days ago. I don't know what ins happening so I tell James

Riley: James

James: yeah, what's wrong

Riley: it's happening again

James: what is (in a more worried voice)

Riley: getting a headache all that stuff what I had a couple days ago it starting to happen again

James: come one lets go

James get up and pull me up with him we start to walk and then he decides to carry me. We start walking and we walk into the other music studio where Amanda is practicing.

Amanda: what happened she asks as she rushes to me and James

James: she had it happen to her before but what has happened is that she feels tired and she has a. Headache and last time she had this she passed out

Amanda: go get Miss Kate I will stay here

James: okay

I watch as James rushes off while I just sit there with Amanda. I suddenly start to feel myself getting more dizzy. O put my head in my hands and lean forward.

Amanda: are you okay Riley

Riley: no I feel so tired and like I am going to throw up any minutes or pass out

Amanda: well don't just hang in here James has gone to go and get I miss Kate

Just then Miss Kate, Phoebe, Chris, and James come rushing in. Amanda and James are on both sides of me while miss Kate is crouching down in front of me and Phoebe and Chris right behind her.

Miss Kate: Riley what's going on how come this keeps happening

I start to cry

Riley: I don't know it just starts to feel like I can't do anything and I am about to pass out

Phoebe: are you sick is it just a headache

Riley: I have a very string headache because I can't think properly right now and I am dizzy

Miss Kate: Amanda and James do you mind taking Riley home and maybe taking her to the doctor

Amanda: of course

James: okay

Amanda goes and me, James and her bags while James takes me to his car.

Amanda's POV:

I am freaking out because I had that once at Elite and I wasn't allowed to dance for 3 weeks and I had just what Riley has now.

I go and grab our bags and notice that some people are just talking. I grab the bags and run.

As I enter the parking lot and get I to the backseat I tell. James and Riley what could possibly happen to Riley. As we enter the doctor he comes our and tells us we can go inside to see Riley. James and I walk in and see Riley. We start just talking until the doctor comes back in. He comes and tell us the news and in knew if.

James: 3 weeks!

Amanda: Nationals is in 6 weeks so we still have some time

Riley looked very surprise too. He told us why she had to miss dance for 3 weeks. Apparently her body did the same thing to me and just start to collapse on and not wanna do much work. The good news was that she could come and watch us practice.

We decided to go home so Riley could change out of her dance stuff and get changed into some clothes because practice hasn't finished and we still had an hour left. We got back and drove to the studio.

As we enter studio a we notice the group is in a huddle it looks like Miss Kate us telling them. Emily sees us and comes and hugs Riley.

Emily: omg are you okay Ri

Riley: I am okay Em, but the doctor told be u can't dance for 3 weeks

Everyone's eyes go big

Eldon: that mean you are gonna miss half of the practices for nationals

Miss Kate: guys dint forget we have our alternate and she will only have one more dance to learn

Riley: will just watch you guys

I watch them as they rehearse then I notice something if I am going to miss half of the practice why not I just not participate in Nationals. Or maybe I could be in all the group numbers and then when it is the finals since the doctor said it might come back when I start doing nationals since it is a lot on my body that I will let Amanda be in the last nationals performance which is finals because I am confident that we will make it and that we can win nationals to and that it's The Next Step's year and nothing can take it.

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