Chapter 41

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Phoebe: you beter watch out

Kylie: we should win all of them

Emily: well it doesn't look likes that going to happen princess

Emily's POV:

Right now we are all backstage as we Eldon, Hunter, James and West get ready to go on stage to perform the small group

Anncouncer: please welcome from The Next Step James, Eldon, West and Hunter

We all scream as they walk on stage.

They start doing their dance. They start off with some hip hop moves then they go into flips while James and West start breakdancing. Soon after they are done 

Riley: congrats guys you were amazing *while kssin gJames on the cheek*

Eldon: thanks

Hunter: man Kylie's group is up now i hope we beat them

Kylie's group was okay the worst part for them, but good for us was that Kylie fell when she did a trick. We felt a little bad for her, but that meant that we now had a bigger chance at winning the small group

Hunter's POV:

After, Kylie's group performs we head on out and see who has won the Nationals Small Group 2014! 

Anncouner: just by 1/2 a poin tthe winner is The Next Step! Congradulations to Hunter, Eldon, James and West

Emily; looks like you victory is over for winning all of them

Kate: how is that possible!

Phoebe: Kylie fell in the performance, but that gives the judges no right to make them loose 1/2 a point behind the winners

Stephanie: they are obviously wanting to choose favourites

Tiffany: but they can't since Kylie messed up

James, Eldon, West and I are all right now so happy as we hug each other and get handed the trophy we are so happy

We walk off and Kylie gives a disgusted look. That means we are making her look bad

Coming up:

Giselle: good luck

Thalia: OMG are you okay

Phoebe: that is why we have alternates

Sorry it was short. Next time will be longer. Thanks to all my readers. Shout out to all my follower and readers and thanks for getting my book to 12K readers! Love you guys <3

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