Chapter 20

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Michelle's POV: 

Today Riley and i decide to go to the mall. We go their and as we are walking we see Eldon and James. We wave to them and then they slowly wave back to us. The they start slowly coming up to us

"What are you guys doing here?" says Eldon

"Oh we are just shopping for girl stuff," i say

"What are you guys doing here?" asks Riley

"Ummm", mudered James

W were interupted by hearing someone yelling really loud. We all go towards where the yelling and crying from. We got to the stairs where all the comotion was and noticed there right infront of us was Amanda and Lucien. Lucien was yelling at Amanda. 

"you are the dance captain and you failed!" yells Lucien

"may i please have another shot?" Amanda asks through the tears

"NO! We lost to The Next Step! I don't want you in my studio ever again!" screams Lucien

With that we saw that the rest of Elite's group who was at regionals followed Lucien as he walked away from Amanda. They just left Amanda alone. 

We decided to leave when Riley stop and turned around. 

Riley where are you going?" i ask

"I am going to talk to Amanda," Riley says

"okay Riley, we all love you here espeically me, but are you insane?" James says

"yeah," i say

"she could use a friend right now," Riley says

your right we will meet you at the food court," says Eldon

We all go towrards the food court as Riley goes down the stairs to Amanda.

Riley's POV:

I walk down the stairs to where Amanda is crying. She is all by herself as she is just trying to comfort herself. 

"hey," i say

"hi," she says

" so i saw what happened," i say

"i dont even know where to go now i just feel lost," she says

'well we do need an alternate for nationals. i was thinking maybe you could be our alternate," i say

"really," she asks

"yeah. and you didn't deserve what Elite did to you," i say

"thanks, but what about the rest of a troupe?" she asks

"i'll talk to them. meet me tomorrow at culture shock and we will continue there," i tell her

"thank you so much i owe you one," Amanda says

We head off in different directions. I get to the food court and look for James, Eldon and Michelle. I dont see them anywhere. The someone comes up behind me and hugs me. I turn around and see Amanda. 

'thanks again" she says

"no problem," i say

I finally spot James, Eldon and Michelle and they are giving me confused looks. I go towards them and sit down.

"what was that?" Michelle exclaims

"what was what?" i ask

" you and Amanda hugging?" James says

"yeah?" Eldon says

"oh umm can we not talk about it i will tell you guys tomorrow" i say

We continue eating then we get up and strt heading back to the parking lot. Soon it was time for reheasle so we went and rehearsed. Then we all went down to Culture Shock. Soon we said goodbye to everyone then left.

James' POV:

The next day we are all at culture ship besides Michelle and Emily who are up with Kate and Chris as well as Miss. Kate's sister Pheobe. WE are all talking when Chloe tells everyone to look over there. We all see Amanda over there. 

"Who invited her here?" Eldon aks

"I did," says Riley

"is that what you were talking about with her yesterday?" i ask

Everyone else had confused look on their faces. 

"tell them" Riley says as she get up and starts walking towards Amanda

We see Amanda near by the table just looking around when Riley approaches her. We notice them talk and then start to leave Culture Shop. The rest of a troupe deicdes to follow them. WE head up and out of Culture Shop when we notice that they go into studio a. We over hear their whole conversatione

"hi ri what brings you here?" EMily asks

"did you see anyone who you needed toreport to us?" Michelle aks

"yes,i bought Amanda," Riley says

"ri, you know amanda and i aren't really good right?" Emily says

"yeah, but yesterday when Michelle, James, Eldon adn I were at the mall we overheard Amanda and Lucien with the rest of Elite talking and they all deciding to kick Amanda off the team since they didn't win regionals" Riley says

"oh yeah i remember that" Michelle exlaims

"so then why is she here?" Miss Kate asks along with Pheobe and Chris

"because i was thinking how no one should have been treated like that and since we haven't got an alternate for nationals that Amanda couls be our alternate, because after being kick off a team and being humiliated infront of all pubic place where everyone can see i think she can have a chance to go to nationals." Riley tell them

"please, EMily i am so sorry for what idid to you at elite and i can prove that i am not actually that mean, Lucien said that i should just quit dancing and i want to start a new journey here at the next step. I have heard how open you guys are so do you guys think you can give me a second chance?" Amanda asks

"YES!!!!!!!" Emily yells

We peak in and notice that Emily actually goes up and hugs Amanda. 

Welcome to the a troupe and The Next Steo Studio Amanda!" Miss Kate says very happy

"thank you guys, and thanks Riley," Amanda says as she lets go of Emily and hugs Riley

Wow i can't believe it Amanda is now our alternate and EMily and her are now like bff's. We all walk into the studio and congradulate Amanda. 

We tach her the moves/choreo and then take a break. I go up to Riley and tell her that she had the best idea ever. To top that we all decided to go to Elite and show Elite what happens when they kick Amanda off the team. We walk into their studio and we all grab hands and hold them up and say.............

Hey guys tune in on Tuesday to find out what they say to Elite. 

p.s Everyone from The next Step is there including Beth (who has changed and is now very nice), b troupe, and j troupe. 

Who had the best audition in your opinion? Who's audition did you like? ;) 

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