Chapter 11

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Stephanie's POV:

Today we have to get up nice and early since we had dance. Usually on all days through Monday-Sunday we have dance for 3 hours. Then on Saturday and Sunday we have it for 5 hours. For once the girls woke up before the boys to get ready. Mostly because we had more to do then the boys. For the boys they just had to wake up, get changed, have breakfast, brush teeth and then they are done. Not like how for us girls we have to wake up get dressed, get make-up and everything else that will make us look pretty and smell good, have breakfast, brush our teeth. We have a few more steps then the boys, but one thing that is most important which i forgot was to pack out dance bags with all the stuff we need. It could be water, extra set of clothes, bathing suit, hair brush, deoderant, make-up, etc. By the time we are all done that upsatiars in Emily and Riley's rooms the boys are already up and having breakfast. 

Daniel: what takes you guys so long

Tiffany: do you want us to look bad

Emily: or like this

We all talke our take off our sweaters and all do a head look and pose. 

Eldon: nevermind

James: take as long as you need to

West: rather have you look good then be late for dance

Michelle: oh shoot we might be late for dance if we don't start to hurry up

We all quickly have breakfast, brush our teeth and pack our dance bags then walk out the door. Riley locks the door while Emily and West get into the driver seats. Half of the bys go with West and the girls go with Emily. once we get to the studio we all walk in the Giselle stops and just sits down and put her head in her hands. We all rush to her to see if she is okay

Chloe: Ellie? is there something wrong

Giselle: no 

Emily: then whats the matter

Giselle: i have a strange feeling

Riley: that what

Giselle: that something has changed in the studio

Michelle: and......

Giselle: that something is not right

James: well we are 10 minutes early why not we all go into studio a and warm up while us men look around

Stephanie: you guys think you are men

Eldon: yeah

Daniel: we are growing boys

West: and we are not afraid

just the Miss Kate come up to us and say hi

West screams and hugs Daniel. We all laugh while Miss Kate and Chris look confused

Tiffany: that is what you call not afraid!

Chloe: you look like a two year old that has been scared of a dragon

West: am not 9as he lets go of Daniel)

Daneil: no offence but it seems like you are a baby because you screamed when Miss Kate and Chris said" hi" and you practically know them

West: that because i was thinking or..............

Chloe: lets just go

Miss kate: actually we are here to tell you that Studio a is just getting a few things fixed so today we will be practicing in studio b. "okay lets head to studio b, but it is smaller so how will we work on our routine" 

Miss Kate: that why everyone is going to show either their solos, duo, trio and you 4 boys show your routine and everyone will give you feedback. Since we didn't get to do that one day becaseu of the fire alarm. 

So the order is 





Tiffany and West

Riley and James

Giselle, Stephanie and Chloe

Daneil, West, James, Eldon

Thanks for reading my story!!!!! ;) Really appreciate it

Shout outs on Friday! 

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