Chapter 45

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Anncouner: will The Next Step come on

Emily: it could cost us

We have moved around to the second round

Tiffany's POV:

Right now we made the first cut and we are all so stoaked. The next day we go and perform again and we win. This one is if you win your round you are into the semi-finalsl. We also go and mess around with Kylie's music. She was so mad, but she deserved it after what she did to us. 

It was Saturday and it is 1 hour away until we have to go on and perform. We are waiting until we realize that there has been some techincal difficulties with music and lights. Kate comes up and tells us.

Kate: hey guys i have to tell you guys something, the staff is have some problems with lights and music and that there is going to be a delay onto when we get to perform

Emily: what has happen?

Kate: what i just said

Eldon's POV:

Oh no this can be very bad because we were to be on at 12. Now how long will it take

Giselle: Miss Kate, how long will we hve to wait

Lucien: it could be around to 2-3 hours

Kate: yeah

Everyone: what!!!!!???

Riley: i am not waiting that long

Michelle: that is insane

Stephanie: what are we suppose to do

West: i don't know about you guys but i am hungry

James: sam

Hunter: but guys we can't eat in our costumes

Thalia: yeah Hunter is right what happens if they get ruined

Chloe: how about we wear our clothes over top

Tiffay: yeah girls just wear a dress over it and boys wear sweatpants and a shirt over the costumes

Eldon: that is a great idea

Emily: where should we eat?

Amanda: what about subway?

Everyone: yeah!

Kylie's POV:

I over heard that The Next Step is going over to Subway. They will have some unexpected company. 

Amanda's POV:

As we enter subway we go and order then sit down and eat

Emily: can you believe it a 2-3 hour delay?

Michelle: that is just not fair!

Thalia: tell me about it

Chloe: we can go and explore arond somewhere 

Riley: i have never seen the whole nationals area it is huge

James: why not we go check that out and Michelle, Hunter, Thalia, Elite and Amanda can be our leaders

West: leaders, a group of people who lead or compand people

Everyone: West

James: stop being smart school just ended

Eldon: oh yeah speaking about that any of you guys going anywhere

Emily: me and Riley are just gonna be at the studio/hotel

James: i am staying

Amanda: no where

Everyone else: no where

Eldon: we should all go somewhere to hang out

Giselle: we already all hang out at the studio and the fact that we now live there so we see each other everyday

Eldon: no i mean go on a vacation, besides The Next Step studio

Elite: sure but where

Daniel: will Kate, Phoebe and Lucien come along

Eldon: yup

Amanda: where are we going

Giselle: i dont care

James: neither do i, as long as i am with my babe

Riley: *blushes*

Everyone: awww

Hunter: i have never been to costa rica

Emily: how about we all go there

Riley: Em and i have never been there either

Eldon: so how about after Nationals we all go there

Daniel: who is going to tell Kate, Phoebe and Lucein

Elite: got that covered, they all said they can't wait

Everyone: awesome

Then we see Kylie with her team come in. We all get up and leave. I am talking with Giselle as we head out and give Kylie the evil glare. 

Riley's POV:

Finally, they have fixed it and we go on and dance our hearts. We so badly need to make the semi-finals.

After, when they call us back they announce that it was very close just by 5 points

They call out us and we are screaming. Looks like we have the chance of making it to the finals and winning the nationals trophy and the nationals title for everyting in 2014. 

Coming up: 

Emily: yes

Lucien: how did this happen

Announcer: those kids are unbelievable

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