Chapter 40

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Riley: i am so happy

Lucien: congrats

Elite: you so deserved it

Riley's POV:

i still can't beleive that me and James won the duet competition at nationals. I jusy couldn't help it. I was always hugging James and having a smile on my face.

James: why are you so happy

Riley: because we won

James: yeah that is very special

James' POV:

We enter the doors to the nationals pre-party and we see lots of people in a big room. There is a lounge, dance floor, food, drinks, etc. Elite and Amanda walk over to the lounge, a troupe walks over to the dance floor and me and Riley walk over to the food and drinks. I hand Riley a drink and she takes it.

Riley: thank you

James: no prob

Elite: hey yo guys over here

Riley: what 

Amanda: lets hit the dance floor

James: okay

Daniel: hey guys Kate and Lucien todl me that i am now the male alternate and that i can't do the small group

Michelle: what are we gonna do 

Hunter: we will figure something out, ongrats bro

Daniel: thanks

Then we see a studio narrow their eyes on us. 

Emily: who are you

?: a studio here at nationals

Michelle: who is your captain

Kylie: me, my name is kylie and we are going to win all the competitions

West: no your aren't 

Kylie: how do you know

Stephanie: because James and Riley won the duet competition

Tiffany: so...

Giselle: it is not possible for you to win all of them

Chloe: yeah

Kylie: anywyas we will definetly win the 10 dancer one

James: umm.

Riley: it is called the group dance

Eldon: don't you remember

Kylie: who cares

We all started arguing until Phoebe arrived

Phoebe: what is going on here?!

Emily: Kylie over here is saying that her studio is going to take all of the wins

Phoebe: Kylie sweetty that is not possible James and Riley won the duet competition and there is no way yoru studio will win with us against you

Everyone: ooh 

Kylie: good luck tomorrow with the small group

Elite: oh they should be saying good luck to you because we don't want you to be crying when you loose

With that we enjoyed the rest of the party

Coming up:

Announcer: the winner of small group is

Kylie: how is this possible

Emily: say goodbye to your victory Kylie

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