Chapter 3

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"So," Rae said as we drove to meet the Guardians at the airport, "You grew up in this... Academy?"

"Yep," I said, "Yeah, it's been like, my home until, well, these guys came along." I point to the back seat.

"So you have family there," she asked trying to sort all this out in her head.

"You know, I wouldn't call them family, but close friends that need help running the academy. They are a little low on staff," I smile over at her.

Rae doesn't know that I'm half human and half vampire, she doesn't know about my kids, how they are somehow full vampires and sometimes need blood to keep them running, even after they have had something real and good to eat.

Grandma and I both agreed to keep the secret away from her, she was safest at Vampire Academy, and we created this story about how my family friends needed help running the place and offered a lot, and paid good money... and hot guys. After I said this, Rae was on board.

"So what will I be doing exactly?"

"Keeping me sane," I laughed.

We talked while my kids slept in the back seat, silently. "So, I may just have a question," she cautiously itched the side of her temple nervously.

"I may just have an answer," I looked over and saw her smile.

"Isn't this where you and that... guy first met, hit it off, and-"

"Made these two?" I finished for her. "Yeah."

She turned in her seat to face me. "How are you going back there? Haven't you made a solemn vow to never return? Dosen't that place bring up bad memories?"

I stared at the road, "Of course it does, but they need me, and I have a duty to help in everyway I can."

"So you want to teach kids?" Rae barked a laugh, "I'll have to sit in on one of your classes...

I smiled and changed the station, "No, of course not," I smiled, "I'm just going to... Kind of, go in for security."

"Oohh... So you're gonna kick some ass for kids?"

I laughed. "Something like that." I pulled off on the exit, grabbing my personal weapons and telling Rae to stay in the car while I made the arrangements.

I go through the building and walk up to the counter. When the man turned to help me, I said, "Take me to see Julie." Julie was the person that dealt with all the secret vampire flights and connections in this state.

Don't ask me how I found her, I just guessed and did a secret handshake to show the her dhampire side that I was like her.

"Rose," she said throwing brown hair over her coco colored shoulder, "How many passengers?"

"Four. I need one ASAP. They need me at the Academy."

She whispered, "I've heard about them coming out in the daylight, what is going on?"

I sighed and said I didn't know. "Headmistress called me and begged to get on a flight. So I am."

"Well, I always have our secret jet," she rolled her eyes and smiled. "Bring in your friends, the jet will take off as soon as you want."

"Thank you," I said as I ran back out with a few helpers to carry our stuff as I held my kids close and carried them onto the plane.

"Wow," Rae gawked, "Nice jet!" I rolled my eyes as she took in the big screen TV and beds to sleep on.

I lie my kids down and tuck them in while going over and placing our things away.

"Do you want me to catch up with you?" she asked. I shook my head as she went over and pulled a blanket over her head.

Thought came and went of Dimitri. I wondered if he looked different. I mean it has been almost five years.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I came down to he Academy's number. My finger levitated over the call button.

Just call, for heavens' sake! Grandma said in the back of my head.

I hit the call button as soon as the plane starts to take off.

I hear it ring.

And ring.

And ring.

Should I hang up? I thought, No, hold my ground, it's just a simple question.

"Hello," said the voice of a person I despise.

"Kirova, hey, I need to know one thing, before I actually arrive at the Academy."

"Oh, Miss Hathaway, what is it?"

"Is...." How would I ask this. There was so many ways. 'Is my long lost love there?' or 'Is Dimtri, the guy I dream about night and day, at the academy there, because I don't know if he will be, and I don't feeling like running into him with my kids, and instantly thinking about jumping his bones.' Yeah, I don't feeling saying either of those things... "Is my mentor there? Guardian Belikov.... is he...there?"

I didn't breathe for the whole two minutes that she didn't respond. "No," she said sighing, "That's why I called you, well, one of the reasons. He is off gathering other students that decided to pull a 'Rose Hathaway' and run away."

"Hey," I challenged, "You need me, remember? Not the other way around."

"I'm sorry," she said, "He won't be back for some time, I talked to him in the morning, he has his hands full."

"How long is 'some time'?"

"A couple weeks," she said thickly in her accent.

I sighed, not knowing weather I was relived or a bit downed. "Thank you," I said and hung up without hearing what else she had to say.

Best scenario: I don't see Dimtri and save the whole human race in just a couple weeks and leave before he gets there, without seeing him at all, talking to him, thinking about him, and hearing that soul melting accent of his. Worst scenario: I do see him, he finds out about my kids, wants to get involved, even after he had kids of his own, and married happily with Tasha.

Yeah, that really would be the worst possible thing.

I asked a stewardess how long it would be until we get there.

"It will be some time yet," she said with a big smile that reached her blue eyes, "I suggest that you sit back, get some sleep, or watch some TV." I nodded and thanked her.

Closing my eyes I wondered what it would be to see Lissa again. It's been such a long time. For once, I let myself back into her head. She must have known about my return. I smile at the fact that she was happy to see me again, as much as I was excited to see her.

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