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The end of this chapter will blow your mind and leave you with questions and yes, it is short...er

Eighteen-Little Ladybug


"Home sweet home," I sighed, face planting into the bed. I heard my husband chuckle behind me and pop his bubble gum. "You know I hate that," I grumbled.

"Yup." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"When are we going back?"

"Anytime you want, baby." I smiled up at him and puckered my lips. He chuckled and leaned down over me to kiss my lips. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, making me blush. "You really are, Bianca." 

"It's Mrs. Hunter to you," I giggled. 

"Excuse me, Mrs. Hunter." I smiled and kissed him again. "Easy there, doll, you'll steal my gum." 

"That was the point."

He pouted. "I'm hurt." 

"What's your's is mine so technically it isn't stealing." 

"Alright, Mrs. Smarty Pants." 

"I was Valedictorian."  

"That you were," he agreed. 

"How about we go out today?"

"You actually want to go outside?"


"We just got back," he whined. 

"Fine; I'll go by myself." 

"Nooooo; I'll come." 

I smiled and got my purse together, excited for the day. "Ice cream?"

"You are mentally a 12 year old."

"But you love it," I grinned.

"Yeah," he admitted, kissing my forehead. "One chocolate and one strawberry, please," he told the cashier with a smile. 

"For you, right away," she said, winking. Hello, does she not see me here? I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"That was rude."

"Don't worry about her, baby." 

"Did she not see me standing right here? Do I have to flaunt off my wedding ring?" 

"I'm sure it would help," he chuckled. 

"Here ya go, handsome," she said while holding out the ice cream, licking her lips. 

"Aw, thank you so much!" I gushed, taking them from her. "Could you be a dear and get us some more napkins though? I would hate to get all this creamy stuff on my wedding ring, you know. Then again, that isn't the only creamy thing that's been on me," I said, winking at her. "Have a nice day," I smiled, walking out of the parlor like a Boss A$$ B**ch. 

"That was...amazing," he laughed, taking his ice cream cone from me. "Creamy stuff, huh?" I winked and he busted out laughing. "You are something else, you know that?"

"I am your wife." 

"And I thank God for that," he said seriously. "I really do. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Bianca Hunter." 

"And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Zachary Hunter." We smiled and kissed each other when the mood was soon ruined. As we were walking towards the park I noticed my mother sitting with a man. "That's Mom, but I'm not sure who the guy is. Should we check?" He nodded and we made our way towards them and then she started crying. I ran to where she was, calling her name. "Mom!" 

She stood. "Bianca, I had no part in this! I just found out!" she sobbed. 

"What do you mean?" And that's when the man stood and turned towards me, a gasp leaving my mouth. 

"Little Ladybug," he smiled. 


Dun DUn DUN!!!!!!

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