~Chapter 1~

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Light pale pink hair, beautiful brown eyes, tall but not as tall as those around him. He's coming towards me but why? Before I could even question myself anymore we were already centimeters apart and... *alarm ringtone* goes off as loud as it could go.

I wake up and fling my body up into a siting position on my bed. Sitting there half asleep I realize I just had a dream, so obviously, I try and figure out what it was about. Nothing came to mind, I couldn't remember the dream at all but I somehow remember someone's face. But it wasn't a face I was familiar with, plus I only saw his face for a second.

Although it was just for a second, I was mesmerized and drawn into him for some strange reason. He was such an attractive, yet mysterious person to me that it sparked something inside of me. It made me desperate to find out who he was, what he was to me, where he was, just anything and everything about him.

Just imagining him in my mind again got me blushing and my heart started to beat ridiculously fast. His features were already deeply engraved into my head. I really want to know who this is.. So it's decided.. I'm going to find him no matter.

Jimin POV
This beautiful yet shy girl is leaning in towards me.. She's saying something to me but I somehow couldn't catch what she was saying... She was getting blurry and so I shouted "Wait!! Hold on what's your name? Who are you?"

Taehyung *vigorously knocks on Jimin's door* and yells "Jimin-ah, wake up! We're going to be late for school, hurry!"

It was too late she already faded out of my sight.

"Ugh, Taehyung-ah! Why did you do that I was in a middle of a dream!!"

I get up and go to the bathroom to do the usual and get ready for school. While I was getting ready all I could think about was the girl from my dream. She has beautiful silky (your h/c) hair, (eye color) eyes that were full of love and passion and plump juicy red lips that were absolutely kissable.

Kissable..? Why did I just think about kissing her.. I mean what? She's just a girl from my dream.. But hey she definitely was beautiful.

I feel my face go red and my heart pumping much faster than normal which is strange because this never happens. Damn I need to find this girl no matter what. She must be real. She has to be.

I open the bathroom door and see Jungkook in a position where he was about to knock.

"Finally, you're out hyung. Why is your face so red.. Are you not feeling well?.." Jungkook asks.

"Red? Noo. You're seeing things. Let's go" I say to Jungkook.

Jungkook shoots me a suspicious look and says "Okay hyung.. Anyways, let's go everyone's just waiting on you."

Narrator POV
Jimin and his 6 other friends live together in a dorm and y/n lives by herself at her parents house. Y/n parents' are never home so she's always alone. But that never bothered her she loves the freedom. That freedom is something that allows her to be such a free spirit and determined person. Both of you head out of your houses/dorm to begin your adventure to look for each other. Whether you two were in the same country, same town, same city or not. You both believed it wasn't just simply a dream, you just knew you had to find one another.

To be continued.. :)

Heya readers,
It's my first fanfic writing ever so I hope you like it! Sorry for spelling errors if there is any, I tried my best not to make any!

Hope I'm writing something good enough for everyone >< Stay tuned for more :)

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