~ Chapter 26 ~

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I push open the door a bit more and I see candles everywhere brightening the room. I look in front of me and see a red carpet laid out for me to walk on, suggesting me to follow the path I'm meant to take. Pictures of me and Jimin hang off the ceiling by strings on my left and right. They're everywhere. Our memories. Tears form in my eyes.

"Jimin..", I call out hoping he would respond. My voice shaking. Of course he didn't respond. I need to walk the path he made for me, to get to him. I take my time to look at every single picture he hung of us. I remember every single moment. Tears just flows out.

"Jimin-ah..", I call out again, crying this time and I heard a small sniffle from afar. It's Jimin. I love him so much.

I walk and walk until I see a figure in the moonlight. A familiar figure. A loving figure. A figure that I will never forget or not recognize. With every step I take towards him my emotions explodes a little more. My heart loves him a thousand times more with every step I take. There is no limit for loving this human being. He's my everything and always will be.

I finally reach Jimin. He faces me but then turns around and hangs his head down low. He moves his hands up to him face. His eyes. It's an emotional night for him, for me, for us but a memorable night. I step a little closer and wrap him in my arms. I tip toe a bit and kiss his neck and whisper three words 'I love you'.

He drops his hands down and straightens his back. Gently but swiftly he unravel my arms around him and turns my way. With his eyes a little red but still glistening with happiness, he digs his hand into his left pocket and brings out a small black velvet box, while holding my hand in the other.

I release our connected hands to cover my mouth and my face while bursting into tears. I just can't stop crying and I don't know why. Jimin kneels down in front of me and opens the box.

"Y/n.. I love you so much. So so much. You are the world to me. You bring the out the best of me, you encourage and inspire me to become a better and greater person as our days go by. There is not one day where you don't love me the way you do and I love it. I can always feel your love. There's not one day where you have failed to do so. Thank you for loving me and there is absolutely not one day I don't love you the way I do. I love you a little more everyday. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I see you in my future, I see us in the future. Will you marry me Y/n?", he asks and expresses his feelings wholeheartedly.

I'm lost for words. Tears come streaming down due to immense happiness. I reach out my arms to the kneeling Park Jimin and nod vigorously. I couldn't talk so I use actions to give my response.

"Baby.. Come here", he says and pulls me in for a kiss and a tight hug. That's also when all my friends and family pop out.

"Congratulations you two!!", everyone shouts and screams, some even whistle. They all come running in forming a massive group hug. I can't even explain this feeling. I feel so appreciated and loved by everyone.

I'm so happy. A big big big smile spreads across my face, I laugh at their actions and response. Never have I been so happy in my life before and it's all thanks to Jimin.. I love him so much. I can't even explain. There's no words to explain my love for him. There's no words to explain our love for each other. He's my everything.

I quickly wipe my tears away and give everyone a hug separately. When everything starts to die down a little bit I walk around the room to go and find Jimin. There he is. Standing outside on the balcony looking out to the bright and beautiful moon. I step towards him slowly and wrap my arms around his perfectly built torso.

"Park Jimin..", I say quietly more like a whisper.

He turns around.

"(Your full name)..", he calls your name with his angelic voice.

Find Me (Jimin X Reader) || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now