~Chapter 10~

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My heart is skipping a beat. This is crazy.. I've wanted to meet him since the day I dreamed of him and I finally did it. I found him. My body, my heart, my everything is fill of joy right now. Even now I can still feel it. The warmth of Jimin's hand. The exact position, location and shape of him hands that touched my face. I stop in my steps of going to class and stand there in a daze. Cupping my face with my own hands just like how Jimin did 30 second ago. I can still feel his warm hands on me.. it was so loving and sweet. I couldn't care less if I turned up to class late today. I get to see him again, really soon. Just that thought alone sparked my heart. I felt electricity going through me sending butterflies down to my core making me jumpy once again.

I eventually get to class and surprisingly I'm on time. I sit in the same seat I sat at last Friday waiting impatiently for my teacher to arrive and take us to the dance department. I constantly check my phone for the time which was not helping at all. 5 more minutes left. I sit motionlessly but full of joy, satisfaction and wonder. Joyful that I was brave enough to speak to him and satisfied that I meet him and will be meeting him again. Satisfied that I made him smile wonderfully and dreamy for me and at me. Satisfied that I made him laugh with me. My curiosity always leads me back to wondering about him. About how we will get alone, how we will talk, how we'll get to know each other and what we'll become.. friends? more than that? I ruffle my hair in anxiousness about that question. I only just meet him but I feel deeply connected. His warmth brought me safety and I don't know why. I want his presence and existence around me more.

"Alright class lets go" our teacher announced which broke my train of thoughts. 'Lets go' that rang in my ears. Right. I bounce of my seat in a split second. I was more than ready to go I've been waiting. My heart has not stopped pounding since my short but inviting conversation with Jimin. It crashes into my chest a little harder and faster every step I take that brings me closer to him and before I knew it I'm there already. This time not standing faced away from him but right in front of him with a window between us. My heart palpitated so strongly into my chest I thought it stopped. How does he make me feel like this every single time? We locked eyes and fell into our own world once again. I love it whenever it's just me and him. It's a moment for only me and him. I know for a fact that when this happens he is always with me mentally or physically and is feeling exactly what I'm feeling. That alone allows me to understand that it's not coincidence and that we are made for each other one way or another. I died and came back to life as my heart starts beating again but abnormally.

Jimin POV
I walk toward my class with emotions that I haven't felt in a long long time. This falling in love feeling? In love.. I bury my face in my own hands in embarrassment of what I just thought. I see Taehyung from a far and everyone coming out of the car one by one. I run over with my arms spread wide open and attacked Taehyung for a hug.

"I'm here!" you shouted enthusiasticly and they all look at you with a smirk.

"Did you do what I think you did?" Namjoon asks cheekily.

I pulled up a victory peace sign letting him know he was right and even confirmed it with him by replying "Yup!!".

They all nudged and hugged me from all sides. They're so supportive about everything and this is what I love so much about this bunch. I'm so happy I meet them and that they've stay in my life. I hope y/n will come into our circle one day and enjoy her time with us like how we enjoy each others company. We all walk into class together and sit closest to the window. We always choose places close to windows it's something that all seven of us like and connects us. It just allows us to free our mind and look outside if we're ever stressed.

Once again she appears in front of me through the window I'm staring, looking out of.

Jimin's Narrative POV
She put her hand up and waves at me with a smile on her face. She looks down and looks back up at me. She walks in and my body naturally gravitates to her like it's the most instinctive thing to do. I always seem to lose control over myself whenever she's within my sight and presence, almost like she has a string wrapped around me. 

"Alright idols and makeup friends! Form your own group! 1 to 2 makeup artist per idol group!" the dance teacher announces. 

I walk up to y/n and gentle grab onto her hand leading her to our group. She reacted and holds onto my hand a little tighter than what I did. 

"Hi I'm y/n, please allow me to do your makeup today! I'll make sure you'll all look even more handsome" she says with a big smile to everyone with confidence.

"Oh! You just indirectly called us handsome didn't you? Hahaha! Why thank you y/n" Hoseok jokes.

"Damn! Hahaha! You got me there!" she replies. Just from that short conversation everyone knew that instant she would fit in with us perfectly. They all gave me an approving and accepting look. 

"Should we start? I hope I'll do a good job so that I can work with all of you again!" she says confidently. 

Our hands are still intact. We look at each other and down at our hands. She smiles at me and shrugs her shoulder while still holding onto it. "Guess I'll start with you, Jimin" she pretend-whispers to me and took lead. She pulls on my hand leading me to where I needed to sit for her to do her thing. For some strange reason.. although we just meet I feel like I've known her for a very long time.

She stands in front of me while I stay seated. I want to hold onto her waist and pull her closer to me. She bends over to have a cleaner look at my face and she smiles again sweetly and innocently. I could smell her sweet and fruity yet playful and mature perfume. I could feel her warm breath on my lips and her soft hands brushing against my cheeks. I couldn't keep my eyes off her and she knew it. She bit her lower lip when she realized and shit she looks so seductive. My heart is going wild now because of her lip bite. Shit. She comes even closer. Literally centimeters away, our nose were almost touching if I moved ever so slightly we would be touching and I did. I moved. Her soft tiny nose brushes against mine. She moves her eyes down and stares right into my eyes and I did the exact same. My lips curves up and I look right into her eyes. We or she stopped her movements completely . "It's the same scene" she said quietly but enough for me to hear and I completely understood what she was saying. The dream I had, we had, were playing over again in our heads. The full story. It was deja vu. Her eyes widen without breaking our eye contact. "It's you.." she whispers quietly but with full amazement. This time you were lost. 

I had to lean towards him to get a closer look or it'll be impossible for me to do good. My heart is not calm and it never was since this morning. I thought back to what happened this morning and I just couldn't help but break into a smile. I start to lean in and he has his eyes on me the whole time.. It made me nervous and shy. It feels like he can see all my imperfections but his eyes showed nothing but kindness and love. It made me forget about the imperfections I was self-conscious about. Ahhh~~ He isn't going to stop looking at me is he? I giggle in my mind. I did not mind at all, he can look at me all he wants. It makes me feel special and I love that feeling. The feeling of attention the person you like gives you. 

Yikes! Need to do his eyebrows now.. Lets see.. A lighter shade or darker shade of brown? I ask myself and I lean in even closer to him without realizing. Which happens when I'm too focused. I flinch in surprise as something brushes against my nose. Oh! It's Jimin he moved! Nose touching eyes locking with each others. Imagines flashes through my head as if I was watching a movie. They were actually scenes of the dream I had of Jimin that I couldn't remember. I knew the same thing was happening to Jimin. His beautiful brown eyes spoke to me. 

"Light pale pink hair, beautiful brown eyes, tall but not as tall as those around him. He's coming towards me but why? Before I could even question myself anymore we were already centimeters apart."

As this scene runs through my head I spoke aloud "It's the same scene" but something else also started coming through. I see a little boy holding hands with a little girl who looked just like me when I was younger..  We were running through a big field fill of grass and flowers. Everything was bright and vibrant, the sky, the grass, the flowers, us. My head seems to have skipped a few memories and went to the little boy picking up a bunch of flowers, running towards the little me and said "I'll definitely come find you when we grow up!", as he handed me the flowers. This little boy he.. was my first love..

I had to leave my hometown that day.. This was a real memory it wasn't a dream.

The little boy looked just like Jimin. My heart skipped a beat. I found him. No.. He found me. It's.. Jimin.. "It's you..", I whisper to him excitedly. 

To be continued.. :)

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