~Chapter 6~

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Jimin POV
*Knock knock knock* "Hyung!! Come down!!" Jungkook yells.

"Mmm.. Alright, coming" I say lazily as I literally just woke up.

I put my arms over my head, yawn a little and stretch my body. Usually I take a while to get out of bed but for some reason I feel awake and energetic today. Which made it a piece of cake for me to get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and do my usual routine and head downstairs to where the others are.

As soon as I join the crew PD-nim announces "Okay boys, today's schedule is to go for a photo shoot first and then dance practice for your upcoming performance."

One by one we all get into the white car and drive off to the photo shoot site. This place is amazing. We're at a beach and the sand is as soft as a pillow, no hard rocks, shells, nothing. Just pure sand. The waves crashes behind us in every shot taken. We have single shots, group shots and pair shots. We gradually work our way through all of them and honestly I think the pictures came out really good. Letting the photographer work his magic and instructing us on how to pose while we try out best to make it look as natural as possible. Before we knew it the photo shoot finished and I had to say goodbye to this amazing place, for now that is. When I meet 'her' and get to know her I'm definitely going to bring her here for sure. Oh my gosh just thinking about it makes me blush. Stop, stop, stop, Jimin get yourself together.

During the car ride to our dance practice studio Taehyung asks me "Jimin-ah, so how's that girl going?"

"Hmm.. I don't know I haven't seen her since the last time we were at school, I'm hoping to see her on Mon-" I reply but got interrupted by Jungkook.

"What? What girl hyung, what girl??" he says in curiosity and nudges me while asking.

The whole group then starts questioning me about it. Oh my gosh Jungkook why? I rolled my eyes at him and he shrugs as if he didn't do anything wrong. I can't avoid this can I? I thought to myself. They're not going to stop asking and pestering me until I tell them. I had no choice but let them in on what was happening. They all 'oooh'ed me. Namjoon then says in English "Man, you go get that girl", which of course I understood that much.

"Ahh, what's this? Jiminie's face is going pink~", Hoseok teases.

"Hyung!! Don't!!" I mumble embarrassingly, just loud enough for him to hear. They're all teasing me right now and I knew this was going to happen, which is why I didn't want to let all of them know. Goddammit Jungkook.. Ruined my plan. I'm so going to kill him later.

I look out the window and see this bus next to us. Just causally scanning the people on the bus since I have nothing to do and as a distraction so I can ignore the boys teasing me.

What do you know next? I freaking see her.. Sitting there in that bus. My heart let out a loud thump and a loud gasp escapes my mouth and everyone in the car looks at me with a confused look.

"Its her!!" I yell in shock and surprise. Everyone starts scream-asking "Where, where, where, where???" My mouth still slightly parted from the gasp, heart beating fast, real fast, I can feel a rush of heat building up on my cheeks and my body getting hot as ever even though the window is fully down. I want to jump out of the car and get on that bus. Our eyes meet... We're looking at each other, right this moment and everything just slows down for me. I can see her widen eyes and her head turning to face me as her bus starts moving.

Wait!! What the hell! I follow her eyes which were going the opposite direction as me. Three.. Two.. One.. and she was gone. Out of my sight, I couldn't see her anymore. The excitement, disappointment, frustration all my emotions hit me at the same time. I keep looking in the
direction her bus went and no I can't wait till Monday. I can't let this chance get away.

"Sorry! Driver-ssi can you stop the car please!" I blurt out in a hurry. Driver-ssi stops the car where it was safe to do so. I push the door open as fast as I can and dash out the car. The bus is in my sight again. Yes! And without realizing my legs has already taken off towards 'her'.

Narrative POV
Both of them running towards each other but on the other side of the road. Jimin didn't see y/n and runs right pass her because he thought she was still on the bus. Whereas, y/n looks across the road at the right time and sees Jimin run right pass her.

I see him! I see him! "Jimin!!" I shout at the top of my lungs hoping he could hear me over all these passing cars between us. Argh, he's so close yet so far, turn around Jimin I'm right here! I try again, "Jimin!!!" I shout louder this time staining my throat and thankfully he turned around. Damn. No. Not that way! He turns and looks behind him but not across the road. "I'm here!! Across the road!!" I shout once again. My heart thumps even faster as he responds to me again and finally he looks at me. We lock eyes. Once again, everything slows down and I can see him clearly in front of me. My heart flutters for the first time in a long time and I feel a genuinely happy smile on my face.

Jimin POV
Arghh, the bus! It's too far away I can't reach it. Shit. "Jimin!!" I hear someone call out. I turn around to look behind me but there was no one there. Just as I turn my body forward to chase the bus again I hear my name again and "Across the road!!" So I look across the road and there she was. Standing there in front of me across the road.. She's stunning.. Her features are so prominent in real life. Her hair that's getting blown by the wind, her lips that spoke my name.. Everything around me, around us slows down and then, only then, I see her perfectly in my view.

To be continued.. :)

Enjoy guys :)
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