~Chapter 20~

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The doorbell​ suddenly goes off. My heart sinks as it rings. I have a bad feeling. My instinct tells me that the person on the other side of this door is not someone we want to see. Jimin stands up, walks over to the door and opens it. Everything moves in slow motion. The way he walks, the door swinging open, my breathing, his breathing, everything. The door opens wide enough for me to see who's at the door. Minnie. I fall back onto the table behind me, my leg, arms, body weakens. I become numb again. The sudden feeling of falling of a cliff hits me. What is she doing here? Why is she here? I gather all the strength I had left in me and walk over. Standing right beside Jimin.

Jimin POV
I open the door and Minnie stands there, in front of me. My anger hasn't even died down after hearing about the past and she dares to come bother y/n and her family. What the hell is she even doing here? Can she just leave, my girlfriend, leave us alone? What the hell.

"Why are you here Minnie?", I ask her in a furious tone. I'm just so damn mad. There's no other way to describe my feelings I'm just plain mad.

Y/n walks up right next to me. God, my baby.. She looks so pale right now. I can't let Minnie do anything to her anymore. I scoot over and stand half a step in front of y/n covering her from Minnie. Who knows what the hell this crazy and obsessed person is going to do.

"Jimin? What are you doing here? Ah.. Damn.. This wasn't meant to be in the plan..", she says creepily while tilting her head one side.

"I guess you just have to watch even if you don't want to.. Honestly, I didn't want you to see me like this", she laughs evilly.

After hearing that I had to protect y/n. I move to completely cover her with my body. Pushing her back gently trying to hint her to go back to her parents but instead she held onto my hands tight. She's worried I'll get hurt. This silly one.. Even at a time like this she puts me in front.. Just how can I not love her the way I do. I squeeze her hand, telling her it's okay and to go back.

It amazes me how well we communicate with each other sometimes. Without using spoken words but solely on actions we're able to understand each other. How can anyone not like her? She's everything I could possibly ask for..

Y/n walks back slowly and quietly but Minnie catches on.

"Oh.. Hey y/n.. How'd it feel to be at the edge of death the other day?", she asks while peeking behind me.

What the f-?

"Minnie! What the hell are you up to?!", I scream at her. How can she be this cold. She's heartless. I push her shoulders to get her out of the way so I can shut the door but that's when she picks up her phone..

"Come on out", she demands on the phone and two big muscular guys walk out from behind her.

My balls drop a little. I mean these two guys are a whole head taller than me. Maybe.. Namjoon hyung's height? A bit more? Okay, I don't know but they're big. How am I going to survive two big guys.. Ugh. Fuck you, Minnie. I cursed inside my head.

"Oh.. Hey y/n.. How'd it feel to be at the edge of death the other day?", she says to me.

I feel sick. She's absolutely disgusting. She's a demon. My parents gasp, they're terrified and honestly, so am I. I have to keep my parents away from her. I motion them to be quiet and to get out of the room. They did so successfully. They go into a spare room that's closest to the kitchen and locked the door.

I got my phone out texted them, 'Mum.. Dad.. Just stay quiet.. call the police if you need to.'

My heart is beating fast. Too fast. Something is about to happen. I could feel it. Every single living cell in my body is telling me so. I look around the kitchen for a weapon or something I can use as a weapon frantically. I look and look and look but didn't see anything. Right! I have to a baseball bat and a hockey stick in the spare room. I don't even know why I have those I don't play either of those two sports. But at least I have something. 'Good one y/n', I thought to myself. I walk over and knock softly. My palm starts to get sweaty at the thought of getting beaten up with a wrecked house. I wipe my palms on my pants. My parents open the door, I go in to get it. Before I leave the room my mum holds onto my wrist pulling me back, stopping me.

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