~Chapter 11~

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Jimin POV 
"Okay! You're done Jiminie" she claps her hands and says. 

"Jiminie?" I question her.

"Yes, Jiminie" she smiles cheekily as if she's hiding something.

"Only the boys call me by that nickname.. It was my nick-" I tell her but she interrupts and finishes my sentence for me. 

"Your nickname when you were younger. I know", she smiles brightly and looks at me while tidying her things up to do the next person. 

She walks off but I reach out to her, holding her hand again, and ask "How? Do you know?" but this time she didn't reply. She simply smiled mysteriously but with excitement and went onto Hoseok, who's next in line.

Y/n finished my makeup but I didn't stop watching her, I couldn't. She's just too captivating for me, not only that, our conversation back there just kept repeating itself. I've been sitting here wondering what she meant by 'it's me', have we met before? Did we actually know each other before all this? Also just how did she know my nickname.. I'm definitely missing something. My whole body is telling me that I'm the one who's missing something important.

I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my chest. Not physically but emotionally. My body becomes numb as if someone has shot an arrow aiming at my chest and got it. I wanted to cry. An unbearable pain starts to flow within my cells, my tissues, in every single particle of my body. My heart starts trembling from this needle-pricking-like sensation.  This 'something important' is only known by y/n right now but why? Why does only she know when I'm involved as well?.

Y/n was having small talk with everyone and it seems like she was able to connect with everyone on some kind of level. She matches everyone's personality which is really nice. It shows how genuine she is compared to other people that we worked with. 

~~ Time skip to after makeup assessment ~~

"We're so referring you to PD-nim y/n!!" Hoseok says and Jungkook agrees by nodding his head like crazy.

"I was hoping one of you would! I'm really excited to work with you guys, well, that is if I ever get to again!" she exclaims happily.

I watch her talk to everyone and honestly she fits into the picture so well. It's almost as if it was too good to be true. I walk towards her but don't get to her, I just motioned her to come over. She excuses herself from the others and comes over to me. She smiles at me just as she did before. My heart suddenly feels empty and it's hurting. I really want to hug her right now because her touches are magic to me. This is all just a feeling. I just felt like her touches would ease my current emotions. I took her hands and lead her outside the class and went to the back of the department. She didn't question me, she just put all her trust into me and just followed.

We got there. I'm still holding onto her hands but she didn't refuse me. Once again, she held on tighter to me. I then look into her eyes and they were glistening. Her eyes spoke to me on another level. It wasn't just showing shyness and nervousness anymore. She knew me from before. I'm certain. Her eyes showed it. She's been longing for me, asking me to remember her. Remember her? I feel the sharp pain hit me again and I lost it. I crash my body into hers with my arms wrapped over her shoulders pulling her closer to me, as close as possible. My tears were on the edge of my eyes. She wraps her arms around my waist with one hand and the other patting my back. Her warmth, her actions, her comfort made me feel more at ease and my screaming heart slows down. My tears disappears. The arrow in my heart is slowly being removed. I was right she was able to make me feel much more at peace.

Who is she? How is she able to make me feel so safe and loved in 5 seconds? She must've known me since I was 5 years old if she knew my nickname. Why can't I remember her? The fact that nothing came through my head to acknowledge that I knew her shot me down again. I instantly felt like crying again. I couldn't remember her in my memories but my emotions and feelings remembers her and it remembers her well. I've only ever felt this comfortable and safe with one person. Just one person and I know it's y/n. Feelings never lie.

I think Jimin's forgotten me.. But not because we haven't seen each other for too long.. More like something has happened.. I'm not sure if I should ask. Even so.. It still hurt to know he forgot about me.. Now only I have the precious memories of us of when we were younger. Our promises, our fun times, our sad times.. I remember everything from when we were younger. The things that he likes, that he doesn't, things that makes him feel better when he's about to cry..  like right now. It all came back to me. I know with certainty that wrapping him in my arms and patting his back would calm him down.. and it did. This really is the Jimin from back then. I was just about to say something but I choked up.. My voice didn't come out and I..too want to cry. What happened to Jimin these past years? How did he end up forgetting me when he made a promise to find me? He's not someone that would ever go back on his words so something must've happened. It hurts to accept that he doesn't remember me the way I remember him.. But what pains me most is knowing that something serious has happened to him while we were apart. If only we found each other faster I would've been able to protect him even if my life depended on it. My heart feels like it's being squeezed with all possible force where it could shatter into tiny pieces. 

I pull back and see a broken Jimin. I hated seeing him sad and broken. Tears ran down and onto my cheeks like a stream of river.

"What happened while I was gone?" I sob quietly choking on every word. 

Jimin was lost and confused. He knows you're special and important to him but he just didn't know how and why he had forgotten you.

He shakes his head, covers his face and drops to the floor. "I don't know myself.. I.. had an accident a few years ago and lost most my memory.. They started to come back after my dream of you. I got almost everything back but you. Everything except of when I was younger.. When we were younger.." he cried quietly but agonizingly.

"I'll help you.. I'll help you get back our memory" I offer him my help.

He looks at me from his position with a blank stare that turns into a face full of hope.

"Hmm.. So are you free tomorrow? I don't have class.. " I ask politely with my hands behind my back, fidgeting. I'm going to take Jimin to all the places we've been to when we were kids and remind him of each event.

He stands up and is back to his normal self again. "Are you asking me on a date?" he asks half joking half serious. He somehow always manages to make my heart beat just for him, like in the past and even now. The flutters come back and I yearn even more for his soft and gentle touches again.

Relive the past Jimin.

To be continued.. :)

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