~Chapter 8~

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~~ Time skip to Monday ~~

*Beep beep beep beep* I look at my phone. 7.30AM. Yes, I set my alarm way earlier than usual. I need to get ready. I flip my blankets out of my way in one swift move, rub my eyes a few times and hop out of bed. I speed walk to the bathroom and took my time brushing my teeth. Don't want no smelly breath.

"Up or down?" pulling my hair into a high pony tail and dropping it down. "Down it is. Curl it or no?" I think for a while, "nope no curl that'll be too much." I let my hair fall down naturally and left it as was.

Hmm.. Makeup? Easy, my usual. I always go for the natural look. I grab my eye lash curler and curl my lashes nicely and put a coat or two of mascara. No eyeliner. Just mascara. I get my lip tint, a light warm red, and dab it over my plump lips.

"Am I missing anything?" I pace around the bathroom.

*Beep beep beep beep* My second alarm telling me it's 8.15AM. I take one last look at my makeup and step out of out the bathroom and to my closet. Ugh!! Outfit time I tell myself. This is going to take me forever I just know it. Heart racing already. I stand in front my closet with a blank face. Lost. Panicky but happy. Ahh what is Jimin doing to me.. My face warms up just by the thought of him. I don't even need blush at this point. I almost never dress up to school unless there was so kind of event.

8.30AM. Still at the closet. "Ahhh! Whatever! Um. Okay, I'll take this, this and this! I think it looks good" I smile while getting my clothes. A pair of long tight black jeans paired with a white blouse and a black sweater. The white blouse is a bit long so it peeks out from the hem of the sweater which gives it a cute vibe. Same with the cuffs of the blouse it peeks out from the sleeves of the sweater and of course, my white converses.

"I'm ready" I tell myself ready to head out. Just as I walk out my room "Nope! You're not done y/n" I totally forgot to make myself smell good. I pick up my favorite perfume and sprayed it twice. Once would be too light, three times would be too much so twice. "Okay, now I'm good!" I could not stop smiling. I just feel so hyper and happy I don't know how to explain myself. I think is this a good kind of nervous I'm feeling. I'm nervous to see him but I'm really happy about it, butterflies now fluttering in my stomach like no tomorrow.

8.45AM. I need breakfast! Don't want my stomach rumbling while I spend my time with Jimin. That would be so embarrassing! Ahh my head is completely filled with this guy. I'm going crazy, letting out a giggle, and my parents heard. I go to the table and grab my toasted sandwich that my mum made for me.

"Why are you giggling to yourself darling?" my dad questions me as I'm eating.

Before I can even answer him my mum butts in and says "Why are you dressed so nicely. You almost never  try to look nice..", and she looks at me suspiciously. "Oh.. I know, I know! You're seeing someone aren't you?" my mum laughs in excitement and my face goes fully red in a matter of seconds. I only reply with a "mmm~~~" embarrassingly and shyly. I keep my head down to cover my redness and head for the car keys then to the car.

My parents looks at each other a little surprise and exchanges a warm smile. "She's growing up isn't she", my mum says.

I get in my car and drive off. All these scenarios starts to flood into my mind. Different scenarios of how our meet up would turn out like. Good? Bad? Awkward? Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous my heart is beating so loud he can probably hear it when we meet. The way to school went by so quick and now I'm there standing outside my department by myself. Waiting nervously and anxiously.

Maybe I should practice my greeting. "Hi? No.. that sounds awkward. Hi! hmm no.. that sounds too desperate." , I whisper to myself. I look at my phone to check the time. 9AM and as I put my phone by into my pocket I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder my heart drops and drops and drops. Just like how your heart would feel if you fell of a cliff. I turn around slowly, hoping it's Jimin, and there he is. Standing tall and proud with confidence in front of me. I love his confidence. Without thinking I gasp and it slips out, "did you hear me?". He chuckles and covers his mouth a bit with the back of his hand and nods slowly. His hand comes back down and he says "Yea.. It was cute". He has the most warming and loving smile ever. I almost stopped my breathing. He's beautiful. Astonishing. I scold myself for not starting the conversation as I imagined or wanted. "Cute?" I questioned with a quiet voice and then I realized. He just called me cute and I screamed on the inside. I feel extremely shy right now and I didn't know how to reply him. I just let out a very, very, shy "mmm~~" and out of reflex my eyes shut for a while and my head drops down. He comes closer. I can feel him take a step towards me. My heart beats a little faster for every step he takes towards me. He lifts my face up with his small soft hands, I open my eyes and he says with an angelically voice,

"Should we start again?"

To be continued.. :)

Find Me (Jimin X Reader) || Completed ||Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora