~ The Finale ~

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I feel a hit on my shoulders and I instantly shut my eyes tight. Holding onto my big baby bump knowing exactly what would happen, knowing I would lose once again. Expecting to roll down these flight of stairs in a puddle of blood and a lifeless baby inside of me.

Minnie still had her hands on my shoulders yet she still didn't speak a word. I closely open my eyes and she's right there. Those fierce, angry and deadly eyes are gone. They're no longer within her yet I'm still afraid. Who wouldn't be after being put through all of that. She still remains silent. Her hand slides down my arm a bit and she tugs me upward gently. Hinting me to come up from the stairs. I take a step towards her and her eyes softens.

I walk away from the stairs for more safety and shake her arm off. I'm so done with her. Why will she never leave me, Jimin, us alone? I question myself with difficulty to find an answer. My hormones rile up, my hands turn into a ball then releases as my arms swings, as if it's the most natural thing to do, across her face. A loud slap sound echoes across the hospital hall and her head flings the direction I slapped her in. She didn't move. She stays still as a mannequin.

I feel better releasing some of that anger that was built up inside of me all these years. I look at her sternly and shockingly I witness something I thought I would never see. Minnie isn't the heartless creature she was before. Tears are on the edge of her eyes she even sniffles a little before walking pass me pick up the bags I drop unconsciously.

"Here..", she says looking right at me with her head slightly down.

My hands slowly makes it way to the handles of bags. They tremble as they reached the handles, scared she will do something even worse to me and my baby after that slap. With my trembling hands reaching to the bag I accidentally graze her fingers. The moment our skin touches each other's an electricity shock gets sent around my whole body and I finch. I drop my bags once again.

Again, she bends over and picks them up. She extends her arms to hand me the bags again. She's different. She's patient. She waited for me.

"Y/n-ah!!", I heard a panicked yell from behind. That tone, that voice, it's none other than the one I love. The father to my child. Park Jimin. I turn around and he's already by my side. He gets in front of me and extends both arms out aggressively yet protective.

Once again, Minnie stays quiet but this time there's pain, sorrow and sadness all mixed together within her eyes as she sees Jimin. With her hands still extended out with my bags. I peek out from behind Jimin and quickly grab my bags off her before her arm gets tired. She seems regretful and guilty.

"Get away from my wife Minnie", Jimin says sternly full of anger.

I can see the tears start to prick her eyes again. I push Jimin's arms down a bit hinting him it's okay. He slowly and hesitantly puts them down. Looking at me questionably, I just nod my head a little, in the direction of Minnie, telling him to have a look at her. She's not the same. She changed for the better but that doesn't mean I'll forgive her for all that she's done.

"I'm.. I'm sorry", she begins.

Jimin and I turn to each other confused as to what is happening. She starts to speak again and our focus is back on her.

"I know you won't forgive me for everything I've done to you two. I'm truly sorry but I wanted to at least give you my apologies even though it doesn't change anything at all. I was a monster. I'm sorry", she apologizes with a very sincere yet shaky voice. Her defense is down. She's no longer the monster she once was. Both Jimin and I are shocked and lost for words.

"You're right. I won't forgive you and I'm not sure if I ever will. You put me through a lot. I was constantly terrified, had nightmares that both my babies here would die and leave me, anxiety would eat me up. I can see you have changed.. Your eyes.. They tell a different story now. I can say from my heart that I'm happy you've changed for the better and I hope you only ever get better from now. I'm sorry I can't find myself to ever forgive you. I hope we can happily with our lives now, without harm", I speak up and tell her how I feel.

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