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Taehyung's POV:

For the past few weeks I have been doing everything Bacon hyung told me to do.

I no longer smiled and if I did it was a forced or fake smile. I no longer paid attention to them when they or were not talking. I hadn't spoken a full sentence in about 3 weeks and now I haven't even tried approaching them or asking them questions.

I would wake up early make breakfast and eat before they come down. Head up when they arrive and walk out the door before they can nag on me. During practice I would mind my own business and show no emotion of any sort when they corrected me. Heading in the van I would just put my headphones on or put my head down into some sort of electronic and ignore them. And when we got home I would immediately walk in first and lock myself in my room.

When they suggested we go somewhere I would always tend to stay behind or if I did go I would stay by managers side the whole time.

Today we were eating at a cafe on a pier overlooking the vast ocean.

As usual I did not acknowledge any one of them even if they were scolding me. I just kept my head down on my phone ignoring them.

I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I no longer had to exert myself on trying to make the others happy. I no longer had to make the extra effort to be happy. I could just take my time and relax for a change. This wasn't so bad after all.

"Hey Taehyung. What do you want to drink?" Hoseok tried.

I did not look at him and just pointed to the item on the menu. I heard him sigh and saw him glance at Seokjin.

"Taehyung... what is your entree going to be?" He tried.

I said nothing just made a I'm good sign and continued tapping away on my phone.

"Um...what game are you playing?" Hoseok asked looking over my shoulder.

Saying nothing I continued playing.

"Is the game fun?" Jungkook asked me. I just shrugged.

The meal went by in silence. I could feel their stares on me but I pretended I didn't know.

Finally Namjoon decided to speak up.

"Taehyung. Put your phone down when your at the table. It's disrespectful." He scolded me.

Rolling my eyes I put it down on the table and gave them a good now face and turned my attention to the rolling waves below.

"Why don't you eat something?" Jimin asked me which I replied lowly.

"Not hungry." I shot which gained me worried looks from the members.

"If you don't eat then you will become to weak to operate." Seokjin patted me on the back.

"Not like you ever cared." I snorted after hearing what he had to say.

"You better eat something because if you are weak you are going to hold us back when we are practicing," Yoongi spat angrily already annoyed at my actions.

I rolled my eyes and ignored what he said.

After arriving back home I locked myself in my room just like how I do everyday.

I looked inside my bag in hopes to find my phone in their but no luck.

I face palmed remembering it was in my duffel bag in the living room.

Groaning I made my way back down the stairs and headed for the bag.

Voices stopped me in my tracks.

"Something is definitely up with him." Namjoon whispered.

"I know he is acting so anti-social nowadays." Hoseok responded.

"He isn't his normal self." Jimin whispered to the others.

"I know... he is acting like his complete opposite." Jungkook said.

"He is clearly angry at us," Seokjin said hanging his head.

"I feel bad. I actually miss the old Taehyung," Yoongi whispered gaining looks from the other members.

"Well if you acted a little different with your attitude it wouldn't be this bad," Seokjin spat back at him gaining a whatever look from him.

Grinning I made my way back to my room after retrieving my phone.

Falling onto my bed I stared at the scenery outside.

"I think it's working," I thought to myself as I hugged my phone.

"Revenge is sweet." I smiled.


Hi guys. I am back with another update. Yah! Anyways thanks again for the 1k views. I really appreciate it. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and continue reading. Fighting! ^_^

 Fighting! ^_^

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