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Taehyung's POV:

I had a blast with Bacon hyung earlier but I wished it lasted longer.

Unfortunately he had to head out on a flight to LA for a photo shoot.

So now I laid on my bed scrolling through anything new on the internet.

A small ding sounded from my phone saying I had a notification.

"New message from Bacon" It read.

Without any hesitation I opened the message and was greeted with a picture of him and his group in Disneyland.

Without any hesitation I opened the message and was greeted with a picture of him and his group in Disneyland

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I was extremely happy for him but at the same time jealous of his relationship with the rest of his members.

I made my way downstairs and saw the members doing their own personal things unlike Baekhyun's group.

Sighing I made my way to my room and continued my internet search.

After a week EXO returned back in Korea and I spent almost every single minute I could spare with them.

Whether we were going to eat out, go places, or just hangout I spent all my free time with them.

Today I was to meet them at Caribbean Bay Waterpark and spend the rest of the day there.

I made my way to the door and was about to step out when a voice called me.

Looking back I saw Seokjin and the rest of the members looking at me from the kitchen table.

"Yes?" I mumbled at them.

"Where are you going?" They asked.

"The Caribbean Bay Waterpark." I merely stated and started heading out.

"With who?" Seokjin questioned.

"Baekhyun and the gang," I answered and closed the door leaving the angry members alone inside.

Namjoon's POV:

"Nowadays we barely even see Taehyung. He is either locking himself in his room or leaving the dorm to hang out with Baekhyun and the gang." I mumbled in a bad mood.

"I know. He is always going somewhere with everyone but us," Hoseok complained.

I nodded in agreement.

"Hey let's go stalk him!" Jimin burst out of nowhere.

We looked at one another and smiled evilly.

"Shssh! Don't let them know we are here and also make sure nobody recognizes us!" I yelled whispered to Seokjin who was wandering around like a little kid.

"Ok ok!" He said and pulled his hat lower.

We had been searching for Taehyung for about a good 45 minutes when I saw a familiar head come into view.

"Found him!" I nudged Yoongi.

Yoongi bolted up from his hiding place to get a better look.

To our dismay Taehyung was smiling and jumping around the other members unlike the way he did to us.

He smiled the entire time and laughed and joked around with them.

My heart sank knowing he was having a better time with somebody else.

"That should be us!" I slammed my fist onto the table nearby the lazy river.

A loud clang caught my attention as I stared down at the cracked table before me.

Motioning us to move we slid out of our hiding spot hoping nobody saw my booboo.

It reached about 10:00 at night and Taehyung and the members he was with started pilling into a van.

"We better head back before he sees we aren't there!" Jungkook exclaimed and bolted off.

We followed close behind.

We ended up stopping for a quick break to catch our breaths. As we started up again we stared in horror to see the van approach our street.

"Shit!" Yoongi yelled and took off leaving us in the dust.

Surprised at Yoongi's use of energy we trailed behind him hoping to make it back before the light changed.

Slamming into the door and scurrying into the dorm we dashed into random spots.

Not long after Taehyung arrived at the dorm and headed straight to his room.

Breathing a sigh of relief we relaxed knowing we made it just in time.

Taehyung's POV:

The next day I immediately called Bacon hyung.

"Yes..." He sleepily answered.

"I think they fallen victim to your plan!" I proudly stated gaining a how do you know from him.

"Oh please. Did you not see them following us all day. For peats sake, Namjoon freakin destroyed a table while he was at. Don't tell me you had no clue they were there?" I exclaimed.


"Idiot." I responded laughing at his explosion on the other end.

"Great then. See you in a week! Bye TaeTae!" He screamed into my ear from the other end.

"Ok by idiot!" I said and ended the call before he could respond.

With wide eyes and happiness filling me I made my way up to the roof and let the breeze dull my senses.

Rocking me to sleep as I stared at the warm rays of sunlight striking me at every angle.


Hi guys. I will update this story soon. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and continue reading. Fighting! ^_^

 Fighting! ^_^

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