Chapter 1

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She looked forward. The same familiar roads which she had seen all her life lie in front of her. Through the heavy traffic, she drove her latest model of BMW to reach home.

Home? It it really? She don't know. But every day at this time, she drove through these roads to reach that place. Why? Again no answer.

Finally, she pulled into the driveway of the big mansion she called home. Stepping out she took her bag, swung it across her chest to lie on her side and headed towards the entrance.

Before turning the knob she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Even before she entered she could hear the sound of the laughter coming from the living room. Turning the knob she entered. There sat everybody having the evening beverage and talking like any happy family would. She looked through the people and spotted the person of her interest. He looked up and give a small smile and continued hearing the conversation going on.

She sighed invardly and started moving towards the stairs. Not that anybody bothered. Climbing the stairs she reached her room. Her room. The place which is her most favorite place in this mansion. The place which makes her feel alive, feel loved.

Entering she looked around and headed to the closet. Taking a fresh pair of dress she headed to the washroom for a long relaxing bath. Shedding her dress she entered the bath tub allowing the tense muscles in her body to relax.


Completing the pending office work she stepped into the poolside. Looking up she started gracing the sky looking for that special star. She spotted it towards the north shining ever brightly at her making her feel that she is not alone.

Few minutes later, she heard the sound of the door opening. Without turning back itself she know who it is. Her raising heartbeat giving proof.He stepped into the room after spending his time with his family. She continued to stand at her place not moving but aware of every step taken by him.

Freshening up, changing into the night suit he entered the poolside. Standing behind, he wrapped his strong manly arm around her petite figure. She relaxed herself against his chest inhaling his natural masculine odor.

Opening his mouth, he started,"Khushi I...


She shook her head chuckling to herself. Turning around, she looked at the man. Her man. Her love. Her husband. Arnav Singh Raizada. Seeing him right now, no one would say he is the mighty ASR. The king of the fashion world. The shark of the business world. Struggling to speak.

Sighing, she wrapped her arms around his neck signalling him to go ahead. Speaking no other word, he picked her up in his arms taking to the bed....


After their heated lovemaking, for god knows how many hours, she lied spend in his arms. His hands wound around her. Her head on this bare chest. Wiping the lone tear that escaped her eyes, she whispered," I love you". Kissing his chest where his heart beats, she closed her eyes allowing the sleep to overtake her. His arms automatically tightened around her drawing her to his own self.


Next morning, she got up from her sweet slumper. She was always an early riser. Opening her eyes, she saw his face dug in the crook of her neck. She looked at his early morning face resembling that of an innocent child. She chided herself for her silly thoughts. Untangling herself slowly from his strong grip without disturbing his sleep she got up. Getting fresh she came out. Looking around she realized that he had left for his jogging.

By the time he was back she was all ready. Keeping his clothes and things ready she headed downstairs. By the time she reached she saw all the other members had already come. Joining them she closed her eyes to pray. After the pooja, everyone went to their respective routines. She headed back to her room. Reaching there she saw him already dressed working on his laptop. She took her dress and went to get ready for office.

Taking her bag, she headed downstairs. From the top of the stairs she could see him sitting beside his girlfriend having breakfast and all the family sitting around happily talking. She immediately masked her emotions and headed to the door. Getting out she quickly entered her car and drove off to the place where she would get solace. Her paradise. Her real home.

Arshi ff : Love, am I not worth it ?Where stories live. Discover now