Chapter 27

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Three weeks later

Arnav Singh Raizada slumped down on his bed after a hectic day at work. He was dead tired. It had been three weeks since he joined AS Groups as Khushi's PA. Three weeks since his life and thoughts had started changing.

He always thought that he was a good businessman and a tough boss. He used to make his employees work by making them stand at the tip of the nail. He thought that it was the best way to make anyone work. But all his thoughts and beliefs changed since he started working with Khushi.

He still remember the first day at work. He was very happy to work with Khushi and be near her. He was very confident that he would be very good at work and would impress Khushi on the first day itself. You can say overconfidence. But all his confidence went down the drain the moment he entered his cabin.

A pile of files were on his desk for him to work on. He felt his eyes almost propping out of its sockets. He thought that may be Khushi was taking revenge on him this way by giving him extra work. He consoled himself that it's a matter of few days. Once he manoyfy her everything would be alright.

But one look at Khushi's cabin which was right in front of his, he felt blood draining out of his face. He saw a bigger pile of files kept on her desk. No. No. Not one. But many. Many many big piles of files were kept on her table and she was going through them so fastly that he felt his head reeling. Looking around he saw all the other employees working in a similar way.

His life had turned upside down in a single day. Where he was planning to be near his wife and try to convince her and woo her, where he was sitting between piles and piles of never ending files working his head out. His work wasn't easy in anyway.

It is not like Khushi was doing something deliberately to annoy him or punish him. It was just that she worked in a very inhuman speed and she expected her employees to do so too. He realized that everyone in the office were well acquainted with her ways. They did their jobs perfectly.

Khushi was a great boss. She always used to know how much her employees are capable. She always gave them work according to that. Never overdid. Just brought the best out of them. In his case also it was exactly like that. She knew how much he was capable and made him do exactly that much. It was just that he always did work being in his own level of comfort.

He was never made to use his maximum potential. So he was finding it difficult to work to do that much work for the initial days. But Khushi was different. She knew that he would find it difficult to work so much for the first few days. She was calm and patient with him but later she brought him to that level in which she wanted him to work.

Apart from the initial starting trouble, his experience while working with Khushi was awesome. He learned a lot of things in these three weeks. He got to spend maximum time with Khushi. He came to know a lot of things about her.

Arnav understood one thing how his wife was more successful than him in business. He started his business when he was twenty. Now after ten of his career in business also, he could see that his wife is more successful than him who started business after three years from him. She was almost hundred times more successful than him in business world. Now he understood the reason.

Khushi always worked with an inhuman speed. Once she gets out of house for her work, she would spend each minute of her time working. She would never be late for anything, always punctual. She would never say no for any work related things. Always ready for any meetings, any functions. She had time for everything. She had amazing time management skills.

Every minute of her life will be perfectly planned. She won't spend even a single minute as waste. Even while traveling from one meeting to another also, she would be working. She always had time for everything in her life. Be it any business meeting, any party, visiting any sick colleague or any function at any employees house. She had time for all.

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