Chapter 39

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Few days later

It was a public holiday. Dhruv had an off from the call center where he worked. He was sitting in the living room doing some work in his phone. His life had changed drastically in the last one year.

Gone was the carefree, fun loving, childish and immature guy. In that place stood a person who was serious, responsible and silent who just kept to himself and stayed in a corner thinking about the happenings in his life. Shreya's betrayal had affected him adversely.

The way she had degraded him calling a loser, good for nothing guy had diminished his self respect and confidence. He had changed completely in a single day. Gone was the carefree rich spoilt brat. He had turned silent and brooding. After being ousted from Raizada Mansion along with his family, he never went to meet any of his friends, never partied, boozed, or participated in any fun. He always kept to himself. He started hunting for a job. But the constant rejection from all the companies slowly made him loose his leftover confidence.

He started staying at home all day. Only went out if there is any necessary. He lost interest in everything in his life. But his determination to support his family in the crisis in which his wife had pushed his family into, didn't waver all that time. He was the only medium between Raizada and Agnihotri families during that time. Due to the problems between the both families regarding Arnav-Khushi's relation, Agnihotris had refused to take any help from Raizadas.

The only person whom Agnihotris allowed to help them from Raizadas being Dhruv, it was his duty to help them in that difficult situation. Dhruv had thus became the mediator between Arnav and Agnihotri family. Meanwhile Dhruv also managed to find himself a small job in a call center after being rejected in many big companies. But he was happy. Atleast he could contribute something to help his family than being useless.

When he saw Khushi two months back in the hospital, he was happy beyond limits. He immediately called his Arnav Bhayya and informed him about that. He knew how much his Arnav Bhayya had missed his Khushi Bhabhi. He had seen his Arnav Bhayya suffering without his Khushi Bhabhi.

His relationship with his eldest cousin brother was always different. There was always a special bond between them. Him being the youngest sibling was the most pampered after Anjali which had led him to being a spoiled brat. Everyone had always pampered him and never asked him to become responsible or do work and earn money. He was always given all luxuries. He also never bothered about anything nor took anything serious when any of his family members tried to advice him.

But Arnav was an exception. Even after being his cousin, Dhruv always had a very great bond with Arnav than his own brothers. Dhruv always heard and obeyed every word Arnav used to tell him. He always loved and respected Arnav than his own brothers. He admired Arnav for his achievements and wanted to become like him. Though Arnav was a silent person and mostly only thought about his own life and work, but whenever he used to ask or say Dhruv anything, Dhruv used to obey it without fail.

Dhruv's relation with Khushi was also different. Though they were related by two relations, they hardly spoke. But Dhruv respected Khushi very much. That was the reason he calls her Bhabhi even though she is younger than him and his other brothers called her by her name. Khushi was his wife's younger sister but he never felt that bond between them. So she always remained his brother's wife for him.

But Dhruv always admired Khushi for her personality. Even after being younger than him, she was way matured than him. That was what made him respect her. The poise and grace by which she carried herself, he had hardly seen any woman like her in his whole life. He had seen the women of his family staying at home and enjoying the luxuries and never being bothered about work or money. But Khushi was an exception. She always had that aura around her. She was determined, down to earth, hard working and ambitious. It always amazed him seeing her being so focused on her job and career, which he never could do in his life.

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