Chapter 7

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Finally, after much wait the moon has come. Everyone gathered to break the fast.

Khushi stood in one corner getting her taal ready. Some feet away Anjali, Sheetal and Shreya stood. They saw Arnav coming talking in phone. He passed by them and went straight to Khushi.

She shook her head at her workaholic husband. Snatching his phone she switched it off. A What the escaped his mouth. She pouted. Looking at her cute face his anger vanished.

Completing the pooja, she looked at his face through the sieve. He fed her water and sweets. When she started bending to take his blessings, he immediately stopped her and hugged her. She smiled at his gesture.

Taking his phone back and telling her that he would return soon after making an important call, he started moving out. Suddenly his sister along with Sheetal came there.

Smiling sweetly, Anjali said,"Chottey, Where are you going. See Sheetal has kept fast for you. Come and break her fast."

Hearing his sister, his eyes widened. He felt anger building up inside him. Gritting his teeth he said, "If Sheetal has kept fast then let her break it." From the corner of his eyes he saw Khushi.

"But Chottey, she had kept the fast for you. You should break it. She has been keeping it for a long time. I came to know about it today and I promised her that I will make you break her fast this year". His sister tried persuading him again.

Listening to her, his anger and frustration heightened. Trust his sister to act so dumb and stubborn at times. Seeing all gazes on them and not to wanting to give a reason for people to gossip, he came closer to his sister and said in deadly low voice," Di, don't make a scene here. If Sheetal has kept fast then she must be having someone to break her fast. I am not her husband to break her fast. Moreover I am a married man I can only break my wife's fast. It is her right".

Seeing the situation getting out of control and knowing about his wife's stubborn nature, Shyam quickly came forward and distracted Anjali. He know that if he let his wife go then she would go back trying to persuade her brother using her tactics and emotional blackmailing which would only end making a scene or a fight between siblings. So he took her away with him.

Turning back he saw Arnav mouthing a think you at him. Smiling slightly he nodded her head. Turning back Arnav gave a broad smile to Khushi. Looking ahead, he walked out of the room.

From the corner of her eyes she could see Sheetal sulking at the failure of her plan. From the time she saw Sheetal doing pooja she knew that it was their plan. Using Anjali as a pawn, Sheetal and Shreya had devised it to trap them. It was a grand party even the media was there. It was a good opportunity for them.

But Arnav's reaction made her heart swell in happiness. It was always like that he was never happy giving her right to anybody else. She still remembered the first day after her marriage. A lot of things happened. She came across a lot of her life's aspects.


After a completely passionate night, she doesn't remember when she dozed off. Being an early riser whatever the situation may be, her beautiful doe shaped eyes opened at 5 in the morning.

She felt some weight on her body. Opening her eyes she saw her husband of less than 12 hours sleeping peacefully hugging her keeping his head on her blossoms. Seeing his cute, innocent child like face she smiled. He was not a child in any manner.The sore feeling and the slight pain in her body was proof to it.

Smiling, she shifted his weight to the bed with great difficulty. Loosing her warmth he frowned. Chuckling at his cute expression, she lightly kissed his forehead. Wrapping the sheet around her she got up.

Arshi ff : Love, am I not worth it ?Where stories live. Discover now