:Darker Than Black: [Chapter: 5] //An Original Story//

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I'm trying to soften up my skin, because my hands are all calloused and stuff from BMXing because I refuse to use gloves, because than my hands get sweaty. But no matter what I do, it's not working. Does anyone have tips? Message me if you do. I've been using that Johnson's baby lotion and this lotion i got form victoria's secret but ehh.

Anyways. Chapter five :D I changed the main group title so it's got a little bit of what the story about is in the title. I usually don't do that, but whatever.

Vote. Comment. Message. ENJOY! =D


On Saturday I woke up early, showering and getting ready for another long day of searching. When I looked outside, I wanted to cry. It was raining. I groaned and stepped into the wet and cold. It would rain on a day where I had to be outside the whole time. I looked at Hudson's door for a moment but than pulled myself away. I didn't need his help.

I hurried down the steps and went in the opposite direction then I had yesterday. Where I was, it seemed to only have apartments. I shivered as the wind blew and I pulled my jacket tighter around me. I had to find the house today.

I wasn't sure how far I walked, or where I was to be completely honest, but I did no that in four hours, I had made no progress at all. There were tons of yellow houses will brown shutters and doors, but none had a brown star on them.

My hair rested, damp and tangled, on my shoulders, rain dripping from the ends of it. I wiped some droplets off my forehead as they began to roll down it. I groaned in frustration. My feet were sore, I was drenched, and I was hungry.

My shoes squished as I walk, waterlogged and cold. My toes were numb already. I splashed through a puddle as I went down yet another row of houses that didn't include the particular one I was looking for.

I lowered my head and continued walking, watching my feet splash the water from the ground. The low rumble of thunder that entered my ears made my spirits dropped even more. If there was one thing I couldn't handle, it was thunder.

I looked up and came face to f ace with a tall, wire fence. I ground my teeth in frustration. A dead end! You'd think they would put a sign or something to tell people that! I surveyed the fence for a minute and with a heavy sigh, walked up to it and hooked my foot through one of the gaps and pulled myself up.

Slowly and deliberately I began to crawl up the side of the fence, the metal digging into my bear hands. The rain made it slippery and I struggled to hold onto the wire. When I reached the top, I carefully straddled it and began to bring my other leg over when a loud burst of thunder crashed above me, making me jump, and lose my grip.

The world spun around me for a second, and I felt like I was floating. That is until I landed on the cold, wet, hard ground. I groaned and stayed immobile, scowling at the grey sky. Today was just not my day. I closed my eyes and let the rain pelt down on my face.

Someone laughed from above me and my eyes shot open and I jolted up, looking in all directions. Finally my eyes landed on a familiar man with black hair standing on the other side of the fence I just fell from, holding a black umbrella.

"Hudson? What are you doing here?" I asked, scrambling to get off the ground. I went to brush off my butt, just to find it covered in mud, as well as my back.

"Following you," he answered with a shrug. "Apparently we both decided to search today, and I saw you so I decided to follow you."

"Stalker," I muttered.

"I'm glad I did too," he continued with a smirk, "otherwise I might have missed your grand fall just now."

"Shut up," I demanded, crossing my arms. "It was slippery and the thunder startled me."

Darker Than BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora