Chapter 7

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The sun. That was the first thing that Danny saw when he woke up the next morning, still laying on the tiled floor in the kitchen where his parents had left him the night before. Danny smiled through the aching and pain that wracked his body, and thought I made it. Danny slowly tried to push his way up onto his hands and knees, the movement making him want to throw up. He grunted with the effort, and panted when he finally got onto his hands and knees. Philip ran into the kitchen,  after having to spend the whole night in his hiding spot waiting for his brother to come get him, and saw his brother struggling to stay in that position and blood that had seeped into the back of his shirt and dried.

Philip got a towel from the counter and soaked it in warm water. He walked back over to his brother and knelt down beside him as he waited for his brother to get into a sitting position so that he could help to take his shirt off. Though it did make him curious as to where his brother's leather jacket had gone off to.  Philip then remember that he'd probably need scissors in order to the shirt off of Danny if he wasn't able to move around too much.

"What time is it?" Danny asked Philip in a hoarse voice as he forced himself up into a sitting position that hurt every part of him. Even talking in a whisper was very painful, as his throat was raw and dry mostly from trying not to scream out loud the night before. Danny didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing how much pain he was really in.

"5:30am," Philip said as he returned to Danny's side with a pair of scissors in hand. Danny raised his arms as high as he could, which only got up about halfway before the pain became unbearable. He scrunched up his face and tried to hold as still as possible while Philip cut away the sticky and stiff t-shirt. The front side of the t-shirt was the easiest to remove, only sticking a little bit on the top part of Danny's chest. The back side of the t-shirt was another story entirely. The blood had tried the t-shirt to Danny's back to the point where Philip had to peel it off of him, which left Danny panting with tears in his eyes. Sadly though they both knew the worst wasn't over yet. Philip still had to scrub out the wounds to get rid of the excess dried blood.

"What happened to your jacket?" Philip asked as he tried to distract his brother while he washed the wounds. Danny's body tightened as Philip went over a particularly sore spot, waited until the pain subsided, then responded.

"It's over by the pantry door, she tore it off of me last night," Danny told Philip as he looked in the direction of the pantry. Danny didn't have to say who she was, as Philip already knew that he was talking about their mother. "Guess she figured out that it was protecting me against the worst of the blows."

Danny chuckled darkly as he thought back on what happened last night, before he was brought back out of his thoughts by a searing pain in his back as Philip had started to clean the wounds. Danny ground his teeth together and tried his best to keep still but his entire body was stiff and wracked with pain to the point that he had trouble controlling his twitching. Philip tried his best to be quick about his cleaning, but he didn't want to miss any of the dried blood.

"I think that I got it all, sorry Dan," Philip told him apologetically, as he walked over to the sink and opened the cupboard underneath the sink and threw out the cloth in the already partially over flowing trashcan.

"Its okay Philip, they didn't get to you did they?" Danny asked as he slowly twisted around to face Philip. Philip shook his head and sat down in front of Danny.

"Why do mom and dad hate us, Danny?" Philip asked as he sniffled and rubbed at his eyes, he didn't want to cry but it was starting to become difficult. Danny pulled his younger brother close to him and gently rubbed his back.

"They don't they just don't know how to deal with people that are different then they are," Danny murmured to Philip doing his best to comfort him as he felt something wet drip onto his shoulder and roll slowly down his back. "Don't worry, we will get out of here soon, I promise. Now, let's get ready for school."

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