Chapter 10

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Sebastian felt a bit more relaxed after the basketball tryouts, having taken out his anger and frustrations on the court. He wished that his ex girlfriend would just leave him alone, after all she was one of the people that betrayed him. She had spread the secret that he was gay, that he had told her cause he thought that he could trust her, to the rest of the community and got him shunned and bullied for the remainder of the time that he lived in that town.

Jenna had left halfway through the tryouts because she had to head out to her job at an ice cream shop, so Sebastian took his time getting changed in the now empty change room. He chanced a glance in the big mirror that was on the far wall of the change room and instantly regretted it. The deep and ugly scars that marred Sebastian's upper torso stood out almost as painfully as a missing limb. There were areas that were devoid of some muscle and definition because of how deep the wounds had previously been. The biggest and most painful reminder was the one scar that stretched across his abdomen. It was about 2 inches thick and stretched from his wait line going straight up to just underneath his rib cage.

Sebastian had never wanted to be a doctor but he had to learn how to patch himself up pretty quickly during the summer. After all, no one else knew where he was, except for his captors. Being drugged and then dragged to god knows where, only to find out, once he had been rescued, that he was less than two blocks away from his home. On top of that the people that had held him turned out to be people that his parents knew and trusted as a friend.

Sebastian felt weak in the knees as the memories that he tried to keep locked away started to flood back to him. One in particular struck him as the most painful in that moment, the day that he arrived in that god forsaken unfinished basement.

The chains were heavy on his wrists, ankles, and neck. The metal leaving bruises and cuts as he franticly tried to pull at the chains to try to break free, but it was no use. As Sebastian relaxed against the concrete wall, panting like a race horse, blood slowly trickled down from the chains and onto the cold, hard floor.  His eyes frantically searched the room, but the dim lighting made it difficult to see much of anything.

Then came the heavy footsteps, the wooden steps of the stairs creaked under the weight of the person that was coming downstairs. Sebastian shuffled backwards against the wall trying to disappear into the shadows, shaking with his knees pulled up to his chest staring at where the noises were coming from. A big burly looking man entered down the stairwell and slowly started walking towards Sebastian. As he got closer, Sebastian could start to make out more of the details of the guy, but his face was still shadowed by the dim lighting. But the silver dog choke chain that the man dangled in his left hand brought about a new wave of fear to Sebastian.

"Alright Mutt, hold still," the man's sickening deep voice still echoed in Sebastian's head as he stood in front of the mirror, scars in full view. As he came back to the present and the blurry image in the mirror cleared, he wiped the tears away from his face and quickly threw on a long sleeve t-shirt that was in his gym locker. Sebastian ran out of the change room and took a moment as he leaned against the wall of the school hallway to collect himself. Muttering to himself that it won't happen again, and that he's fine now.

Sebastian starts to walk out of the school, his hands still shaking at his sides as he was still recovering from his episode. When he stepped outside and took a deep breath of the fresh air, he felt immediately better and more relaxed. As he started to walk towards his car that was parked on the other side of the school in the only parking lot he caught a whiff of a smell that brought back memories of his captor blowing smoke into his face while he had been puffing on a cigarette in that dark, damp basement. The light at the end of the cigarette creating an ominous glow in the man's eyes as he sneered down at Sebastian with his immaculate suit and clean shaven face, something that you wouldn't really expect from a psychopath like him.

Sebastian whipped his head around in a panic, almost giving himself whiplash. He stopped when he spotted Danny leaning against the brick wall sucking back on his cigarette. Usually Sebastian would just walk away and forget about it, but today there was something that just felt really off and it ignited an anger in Sebastian that made him feel way too confident or maybe it was fear. Either way Sebastian walked right up to Danny, plucked the cigarette out of his mouth, threw it on the ground and ground it out underneath the front of his foot.

Danny stared at Sebastian, completely shocked. Sebastian stared right back but his burst of confidence quickly fled him. Sebastian quickly turned away and walked briskly towards his car before Danny could say anything back at him. Sebastian took off out of the parking lot and wound up driving around for a bit until he had managed to calm down enough to go back home.

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