Chapter 13

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Valerio didn't want me to go too school anymore, now that I'm revealed to a whole new audience, but I convinced him that I better go while the water is still calm. They might be digging, but till they find me I will attend school.

My parents will be leaving the country too Asia today. Call me cold-blooded, but I feel like I won't miss them. They never really was there for me when I needed them, and worked from early too late hours everyday. Those workaholics. 

Still, I will be saying farewell too them after school. I might not miss them, but I still love them. 

I was so deep in my thought that I didn't notice the foot that tripped me, making me face palming the hallway floor. The students around me burst out laughing, pointing and calling out names at me. I hurriedly stand up and fix my glasses before continuing too class. 



"Why aren't you gone yet?!" 

Mondays sucks. 

Not because it's the day after the weekend, but because everyone in school i grumpy and releases their frustration on me. I'm like their stress reliever. The girls painkiller or hot bottle when their period comes, or voodoo doll when their boyfriend talked to another girl than them. I'm the boys football and entertainment. 

"Plain as always" i hear a girl whisper just loud enough for me to hear. Note the sarcasm.

I look at my plain white singlet with low waisted blue jeans. The spring air has become warmer so my grey cardigan is wrapped around my waist. Then I look up at the other girls; a girl with a black transparent shirt with gems in different color on the collar. Theres another girl with a fancy t-shirt with a very expensive looking purse over her shoulder. She noticed me staring and smirked mockingly at me. I quickly look back down too the floor.

Only another corner and i'll be in the AP Calculus classroom within seconds. I turn the corner too quickly and bump into a girl. I know it's a girl even though I'm looking down too the floor, because a high pitched, knife sharp, overdramatic scream erupts into the air. Anyone within a miles radius could hear Olivia's scream of death. The queen of the school. The queen of my nightmares. 

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" She screams at me and I can feel my body shrinking too the size of an ant. "WATCH WHERE YOU GOING WHORE!" 

My mind and body are two complete different beings in situations like these. My body trembles and shrinks away from traumas, but my mind goes all cranky. Did she just say "you going" instead of "you are going/you're", and she called me a whore when she fucked the whole football and basketball team, twice. 

I mutter a sorry and try to pass her, but she grabs my hair and pull it so hard I get smashed too the stone wall. She must have her PMS. 

"Don't think you can just walk away like that" She scream, causing an unnecessary scene, and punch my cheek. 


I gasp from the pain, but it's actually not that bad since her arms are literally sticks with no muscles. I could maybe break them with my bare hands since I actually train for stress release, and jog from the Drago's gate too the house which is kilometers. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you" I say and try getting her hand from my hair. I don't want to ruin her medicure. Note the sarcasm. 

"You liar!" she screech and move to punch me again. I instinctually close my eyes, but a thundering voice roars through the hallway, "Stop!".

I turn my head too the right and see Valerio walking towards us with a murderous face. His hands are fisted and jaw clenched so hard I'm afraid he might break his teeth. 

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