Chapter 4- Marked by the Wolves

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That morning I was woken up to the sound of Greyson pounding at the door.

"HELLO??? FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME, GET UP! If you're not awake in 10 seconds, then I'm coming in!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes, and snuggled back under the covers. Ughhh whatever.

"That's it, I'm coming in." Booger Boy and tried to push the door open but it wouldn't budge. Huh? That's strange, I don't remember bolting the door.

"Ughhh fine." I grumbled, walking up to the door and unlocking it.

"Why did you lock the- AHHHHHH!!! OH MY GOD!!!" Greyson screamed, making me jump.

"What?!" I said, half expecting him to make a big deal out of my messy bed hair.

"Y-your arm...." he stuttered. I looked at my arm to see that there was a blue glowing mark on my skin, the shape of a wolf's paw. I immediately grabbed Booger Boy's arm and tugged up the sleeve. There was a matching mark on his lower arm too.

"Y-you better come in." I said, shoving Greyson into the room and deadlocked the door behind me. I turned around to see Greyson as pale as his hair.

"W-what's happening?" He whimpered, scrubbing his arm in attempt to rub off the mark. But nothing happened, it was as if the paw print was a tattoo. Remembering the book from last night, I walked over to the night stand and gave it to Booger Boy. He looked at it warily. His eyes started welling. Oh no. Not know. I don't need a 5 year old right now.

"Well?" I asked impatiently after a few seconds.

"I-I don't want." He cowered into the wall.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T WANT! It's a bloody BOOK for God's sake! You read it, you dimwit! R.E.A.D. Read. Now please hurry up before I die of old age." I screeched.

"It's hwurting." Booger boy sniffed. Large doe eyes appeared replacing his previous slits

"Likewise." I spat.

"Make it go away."

"Look you nitwit. I can't make it go away. Now can you get big already."

"N-no. I wan my mummy." Great. I stomped to my baby box filled with my past memories. I pulled out my hated pacifier (which I never used) and stuck it in his mouth. It was bright pink. So glad I used the purple one.

I waited for him to calm down and awkwardly patted his back. He went to sleep after a while after being mentally exhausted. I pulled out an old Vintage Polaroid Model 95 Folding Land Camera and quickly snapped a few pictures as blackmail. So glad I have arm muscles. The camera was so flipping heavy.

Half a hour later, he woke up and spat out the pink  pigs bladder pacifier.

"What did you do to me!?"


Fine, I'll read it. Geezus. By the way, if you died, I'd be very happy." Booger Boy said, turning to the front page. I resisted the urge to hit him. Stay calm Aurelia, kicking him is not worth infecting your shoe.

Greyson had finished the book. I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something.

"Right, that was interesting." He mustered eventually. I stared at him in disbelief.

"That's it? That's all you've got to say?" I asked. No reply. I sighed, and got up to leave.

"No wait! It's just that....." Greyson said, grabbing my arm as I was about to exit the door. I shook it off in disgust. Yuck, my arm is probably dirtied by his bogey germs.

"What?" I demanded, sitting back down.

"It's just that....I already knew about this." He muttered.

"Knew about what?" What??? Why didn't he tell me? Because he's an egotistical jerk, of course.

"You know, everything. The Packs, the Healer thing...." Booger Boy trailed off.

"And you didn't tell me?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, her Majesty the Queen-"

"Ughhhhh don't tell me..." I groaned.

"-ordered me to keep it a secret. But since you've already figured it out....." Greyson said.

"My own mother knew I was a Light Healer and she didn't tell me?" I mumbled, covering my face with a cushion.

"Well that's why she assigned me to be your assistant, to make sure you didn't do anything stupid." Booger Boy confirmed.

"Pffft, sure." I said sarcastically, but it somehow made sense. As a child, I was never afraid of the gory stories about the Wolves. Probably because I am part of the Wolves.

"It's true." He insisted.

"Yeah, yeah....I'm going to find Mother." I said dismissively, heading out into the halls.

"Oh and guess what? The cushion you were holding? I wiped a booger on that prior to you touching it." Greyson called from the doorway. EWWWWWWW. Mental note: Take a LONG bath and possibly use some bleach.

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