Chapter 12- I'll forgive when I forget

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I was woken up by a horrible screeching sound at the crack of dawn. Grumbling something about beauty sleep, I opened the flaps of my tent and stuck my head out. Lo and behold, the brave and fearless men; Dylan Falcone and Greyson Van Doren were having trouble chasing away a squirrel that had gotten hold of the food supply. Really, now?

I walked towards the disaster scene and carefully picked up the baby squirrel. Instead of biting me, it curled up in my hands and fell asleep.

"Seriously? You woke me up for this?" I said angrily.

"Uh....we thought it was a, er.... rattlesnake." Falconpoop tried to cover up, Booger Boy nodded in agreement.

"'re saying that you confused this cute little furball with a poisonous snake and thought that it would be a good idea to screech away like a band of dying banshees?" I said skeptically.


"Don't bother even answering that." I cut off,

"We're sorry, forgive us?" Dylan tried to give me a puppy face. It looked more like an enraged bulldog on it's deathbed.

"I'll forgive when I forget, and why do you look like you're constipated? Anyways, I have more important things to do than look at your faces." I scoffed.

"Ouch, that stings." I heard Booger Boy mutter. I don't bother replying, I was too busy retreating into my tent with the squirrel in my hands. By now, it was wide awake and looking at me adorably.

"Are you gonna keep that thing?" A curious voice asked, I turned around to see Greyson regarding the animal suspiciously.

"There is danger ahead." The squirrel suddenly said. I froze in shock.

"SQUWIRREL!?" Booger Boy stuttered.

"I am Cashew The Squirrel. You two can hear me because you're Light Healers." The squirrel explained.

"What's happening?" I asked, suddenly feeling numb.

"There is danger ahead. Shadow Pack is taking over the forest. Soon they will take over Arcadia! Most of animals have already fled, but I have nowhere do go." Cashew continued in his squeaky voice.

"S-so Light Healers can communicate with animals?" Greyson said, kneeling down beside me after I clotted him over the head.

"Yes, yes! Now did you here me? There is danger ahead! You've got to get moving, it'd be best if you took me with you as well." The squirrel said impatiently.

"Very well, I'll tell the team to get packing." I said, getting up. Outside of the tent, I saw that the guards were already packing up. I rolled my eyes as Dylan strutted towards me.

"We need to hit the road now." I informed him.

"We are, are you taking that rat with you?" He said, looking at Cashew who was sitting on my shoulder. The offended squirrel fluffed his tail in annoyance.

"Yes, I am. And for your information, it's not a rat." I said coldly, before turning around to pack my stuff.

"Geez, woman." I heard him mutter.


Two hours later, my back hurt like crazy as Misty, my trusty horse plundered on with the rest of the team. And baby Greyson was drooling on the back of his patient not so patient bodyguard.

"Ughh... my behind is giving me hell." Falconpoop complained, I stared at him skeptically. Wasn't he supposed to be part of the military?

"Join the club." A redhead guard laughed drily.

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