Chapter 9- Do you believe in Davey?

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"I can't believe you resorted to such rude manners at an first date!" Mother was ranting.

"Go easy on her, Miranda. You were even harsher to me when we met. At least she didn't poison the guy. Honestly, I don't think I will ever recover from the physical and mental trauma that you brought upon my poor manly self." Dad said.

"Thanks for the idea Dad!" My mother facepalmed.

"Robert! You're supposed to be on my side!" She admonished.

"Sorry, but I'm taking Aurelia's side." He said, wriggling his seat closer to me.

"Pffffft, fine. But Aurelia, you're going to have to apologise to Mr Falcone at the earliest chance and go on a proper date." Mother said, crossing her arms.

"A proper date!?" I screeched.

"Yes, now NO ARGUING! On this very proper date, I'll expect you to behave. This is clear?" Mother asked, shooting me a 'obey now or suffer later' look.

"Yes Mother." I agreed unwillingly. But then, she never specified did she?

"Good. I'll see you at dinner and Dylan will be there too. And learn how to use cutlery, will you?" She said, leaving the room.

"Ouch. Don't worry, your mother's a tough nut to crack. It'll be fine." Father empathised, patting me on the back. I sighed, before going to my room to figure out a game plan.


"Ah ha! Oww......" I cried. In my excitement of finally thinking of a plan to get rid of Falcone, I had poked myself in the eye with my eyeliner instead.

"Are you quite alright in there, Miss?" Diane said, peeping her head through the door.

"Not really, could you be so kind as to lend me a hand with this?" I asked, gesturing to the dreaded cosmetics.

"Of course." My maid replied, coming in to help me.

Minutes later, I had been transformed into a decent looking girl, perfect for my intended plan. Thanking Diane, I quickly made my way to the royal dining hall. My plan? Be so overly nice and weird that it'll shock Dylan's socks off and hopefully he will think I'm loony. This should lead to him not wanting anything to do with me any more. Perfect plan!

"What could go wrong?" I muttered under by breath as I sat down next to a smiling Dylan Falcone. Whoops....did I just jinx myself?

"Hello again Princess-" he began. I cut him off with an unnaturally girlish giggle.

"Oh, just call me Aurelia." I said, batting my mascara coated lashes.

"Oh, well good evening Aurelia." Dylan said, trying to hide his surprise.

"Good evening kind sir! Before I say anything else, I am so sincerely sorry about our last meeting. You see, I was instructed by Davey to act.....rather.....eccentric." I said, giving him a cheesy smile.

"Davey? Who's Davey?" Dylan said, jealously flashing in his eyes.

"Oh! He's right behind you!" I said, pointing to the thin air behind Falconpoop.

"Huh? Wha-?" He said, spinning around.

"Oh right. I forgot. Only believers can see Davey! IT's A GREAT CULT! And he is SO mysterious and great as well as POWERFUL!" I said dreamily, fake swaying in a swooning motion, meanwhile making crazy hand gestures whose perimeter of reach drove Falconpoop to the wall.

"Ummmm, how interesting." Dylan said politely.

Ok.....Part 2 of Plan A..... In 3....2.....1!

I started laughing hysterically halfway through the main meal, clutching my sides in laughter. Falcone shot me a strange look.

"What's so amusing, Aurelia?" He asked, putting his fork down.

"Y-your face!" I choked out, between chuckles. Be freaked out! Hurry up! I can't fake laugh for that long!

"Oh, really?" Dylan said drily. I stopped laughing abruptly.

" Ask Davey, he agrees with me. Don't you, Davey? Yes, that's what I thought." I said sincerely to the empty space next to me.

"" Dylan stuttered.

"Yes?" I said, halfway through a mouthful of vegetables. I made sure that I spat everywhere, giving a full display of mushed up carrots and celery.

"I, er have to go the loo. Excuse me." He said.

It was halfway through dessert when Mr Falcone decided to show his face again. BLAST! I was just enjoying my sponge cake before his face ruined my apetite!

"I'm very sorry for my outburst, Aurelia. I do hope that I'm pardoned." He said through gritted teeth. ARGH!!!!!!!!! HOW COME I DIDN'T NEED TO DO SO MUCH WORK WITH THE OTHER SUITORS???? BLAST, BLAST, BLAST!

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