Chapter 11- Over my dead body!

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"It's my fault." I sniffled into Father's chest as he gave me a hug.

" wasn't. You didn't know that she was going to disappear!" He reassured me. But between the both of us, we all knew that I was more or less responsible. Just as I was about to say something else, Daisy and Damien burst into the room.

"What did you do?" Damien demanded, tugging me away.

"I'm-" I whispered.


"DAMIEN!" Daisy admonished.

"Sorry." My brother mumbled, not looking very sorry at all.

"No, it's fine. After all, I caused this." I said, looking down at the polished granite floor.

"I'm going to send a search team to look for your Mother." Father interrupted.

"I'm going with them." I said with determination. I owed it to Mother to find her.

"You'll be going over my dead body! What would they think if I let you into the outside world, wondering around in the forests and whatnot? This is a proper search party, not a field trip!"

"I am going!" I repeated firmly.


"I'm a Light Healer, my powers could help us!" I insisted.

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOUR POWERS ARE!" Father yelled in frustration. I flinched in annoyance.

"If you don't let me join them, I'll sneak out myself!" I threatened.

"You will do no such thing!" Daisy said.

"If I managed to sneak out of the castle when I was 7, I can easily do it now." I countered, remembering the time I scaled the palace walls in attempt to escape tutoring. I almost made it into the city but a palace guard saw me. I had also received a strict lecture about how I could've broken my back.

"I see no point in arguing. Fine, you may go. You're as headstrong as your mother." Father sighed.

"But-" Daisy gasped.

"However, your personal assistant will accompany you at all times. And so will that Falcone lad, he will be your guard for this crazy stunt of yours." He said. I held back a groan of disappointment.

"Really?" I said sarcastically.

"Watch that tongue of yours! Van Doren?" Father said, gesturing at Greyson.

"Yes, Your Highness?" Booger Boy said, stepping into the scene.

"I expect you to look after this crazy daughter of mine. Promise you'll look after her with your life." Father said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Now, tell everyone to pack their bags. You'll be leaving as soon as possible."

I checked my duffel bag for the fourth time before turning to Diane.

"Diane, please tell my friend Vickie that I'm sorry that I don't have time to say goodbye." I said, pulling her into a hug.

"Of course. Have a safe trip, Aurelia." She said. Diane was a second mother to me, I would miss her dearly. More so, her special Black Forest Puddings.

I turned around to see Booger Boy and Falconpoop waiting for me awkwardly.

"Let's go." I muttered, throwing my bag at them. Hey! I'm a freaking princess, ok?

We walked outside to the palace stables where we were greeted by a dozen guards and the King himself.

"Aurelia, I just wanted to say..good luck." He said.

"Thanks, I'll see you soon!" I said, as I mounted my horse and followed the rest of the group onto the drawbridge and into the outside world.


" behind hurts." Booger Boy whined. I looked over to see that he was riding a strange looking saddle.

"That's because you're using a side saddle, genius." I said, as we rode on.

"What? I put my saddle on the right way, thanks very much!"

"No, you idiot! The saddle type is a side saddle!" I yelled.

"So, what do I do?" Greyson asked dumbly.

"Ok, I've never seen a man ride sidesaddle before but you put your right leg over to the left side." I instructed.

"Right- OUCH!" He cried as he fell off his horse.

"HOLD UP GUYS! WE HAVE A MAN DOWN!" I signalled to the rest of the team as they sniggered at Booger Boy.

"Would you look at that? That daft punk can't even ride his damn horse!" A guard laughed.

"Only girls ride sidesaddle!" Another guard chuckled.

"Even the princess isn't even riding sidesaddle!"

Sighing, I dismounted my horse and unwillingly helped Booger Boy up.

"I think we should switch saddles." He mumbled.

"Bad luck, I'm not giving up my perfectly good saddle. Unless you want to ask anyone who's laughing to swap?" I glared at the laughing guards and they all instantly shut up.

"Never mind..." Greyson said, walking over to his horse.

As night fell, we had rode into a gloomy forest. Dylan decided to be an authoritative arse and chose to camp there. I was too tired to even complain.

As we gathered around the fire, I couldn't help thinking that Mother was out there somewhere. My trail of thought was lost as Falconpoop decided to sit really close next to me.

"'s it going?" He asked.

"Terrible." I said sadly.

"Why?" Dylan asked stupidly.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because my mother has disappeared and could be dead for all I know? Or because I'm surrounded by a bunch of stinking men. Or maybe because I have an annoying suitor who is really clingy and is sitting next to me right now? On top of that, my brother pretty much hates me. And maybe because I'm in this bloody forest and we don't even have any idea where we're going! So if you don't mind, my life pretty much sucks right now. And if you ALSO don't mind, I'm going to call it an early night." I ranted, and got up to go to my tent.

Oh, Mother. Where ARE you?

Somewhere in a dark cave, a woman struggled to break free from the rope tied around her wrist as two canines circled her.

"Well, well, well.....look what the dog dragged in. The Queen of Arcadia." A man emerged from the shadows.

"I'm sorry, Aurelia." Miranda whispered, as the man walked closer.

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