Chapter 17: How much money do you think she's worth?

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[Dylan's POV]
I sat on a log, mesmerised by Aurelia as she drew frantically on a map with her fountain pen. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and her tongue stuck out to the left. How could someone be so... I was distracted by a presence next to me. I turned around to see Greyson sitting next to me, slurping on his water bottle.

"Do you like her, Falcone?" He asked bluntly. I thought for a while.

"Well, I guess...."

"Yes or no."

"Yes." I said, wondering where this conversation was going.

"Hmm...interesting." He murmured.

"Do YOU like her?" I asked. Greyson flicked his hair to the side and sighed.

"I believe yes, but she clearly hates me." He laughed bitterly. I smirked sadly at him.

"Same here." I admitted, looking at the girl in question who was currently holding that rat, er, I mean SQUIRREL in her hands adoringly.

"That doesn't matter though." Greyson said suddenly.


"Even if she sort of hates me right now, I'm going to chase her anyway." He declared stubbornly. Jealously overcame my emotions.

"Not if I get her first." I challenged.

"I'm not gonna let anybody stop me." Greyson persisted as he glared a me. I sighed sadly before grabbing a cheque from my pocket, scribbled something on it and handed it to him.

"Write in any number you want. As long as you let me have her." I offered. He looked at the cheque and then back at me.

"How much do you think she's worth?" Greyson whispered, dropping the cheque onto the dirt.

"Alright then. Every man for themselves. " I sighed once more, running my hands through my hair.

"Why the bloody hell are you two sitting here looking like your nonexistent wives left you? Can't say I blame them."a voice demanded. We looked up to see Aurelia glaring down at us sternly.

"Uhh.... we were just talking about... food?" I said sheepishly.

"Seriously? Hey what's that?" She bent down to pick up the check that Greyson dropped.

"It's nothing." He stammered.

"To Greyson Van Doren, Subject: let me have Aurelia. From Dylan Falcone...?" Aurelia read.

"It was-" I tried to explain.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE-" Aurelia said loudly, before lowering her voice, "I cannot go on this bloody journey, keep the team in shape, deal with the Wolves AND handle you idiots!"

"I'm sorry about that but-" Greyson started to say. Aurelia narrowed her eyes at looked at both of us.

"Fine. You know what? Go ahead and chase me then, but I'm telling you RIGHT NOW that you will never succeed. No one every has anyway." She said, glaring at us before walking away.

"Oh no...." I groaned, feeling completely mortified.

"Game on Falconpoop!" Greyson challenged.

"Right back at you.... BOOGER!" I smirked.

[Aurelia's POV]

Those jerks! Those bastards! How dare they! Do they think that I am some kind of object that can just be 'claimed'? Have they finally gone around the twist?! What kind of sick joke is this?

I kicked at a tree multiple times till my anger was spent, not caring if my toes were bruised. An idea slowly formed in my brain as I picked bits of bark out of my shoes...

Sabotage! That's the only thing to it. I'd lie to those idiots and make them turn against each other; then BAM! All attention would be off me. Of course, it sounded boring but knowing me, I'd add my little twist to it. That'd teach them! Firstly I was going to need a lot of spicy food and a lot of lemons.

[Cashew's POV]

A squirrel I may be but a smart squirrel I am! Well, that's what my grandpaw used to say. As I hopped from branch to branch looking for nuts, I saw something dark lying on the forest floor. It was small, about the size of a penny. Hopping down onto the mossy leaves, I grabbed it swiftly and climbed back on a tree. I took one look at the object and gasped. Surely....surely not! How could this be..? Why..? I inspected the object closely and if I were a simpleton squirrel I would have fainted. No! The Sh-shadow H-h-h-healer...was back. Back for revenge! I scurried back to the camp before you could say "tail".

"HE'S BACK!!!!! BACK FOR BLOOOOOODDDD!!!!!" I squeaked loudly. All heads turned to look at me for a good moment as Aurelia translated what I'd just said. Then they stopped.

And that is how the pandemonium began.

These humans dropped everything that they were doing, and panicked. Tsk tsk, such a human thing to do.


"Who's back for blood?"

"We gonna DIEEEEE!"




"SHUT UP!" Aurelia yelled. And shut up they did. She sighed before picking me up and bringing me to her tent for a private conversation.

"He's back! The Shadow Healer is back!" I warned.

"Who?" Aurelia asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"The Shadow Healer...he's the Healer for the Dark Clan... he disappeared many years ago after the last Light Healer defeated him... But he's back! Look, I found his token!" I explained, handing the Dark Stone to her.

As soon as she touched it, it started to glow....

"Uh oh...." I said wearily...

[Dylan's POV]

We all saw a white flash coming from Aurelia's room, and then the rumbling began...


I'm BACK WITH ANOTHER UPDATE!! Hehehehe...anyways guys, what do you think will happen next? DUN DUN DUN DUN!!!!!



PS. Like my new username?

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