Chapter 21- Julian the bad guy

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[Dylan's POV]

"Enough!" I groaned as I felt the familar tingling feeling on my skin as my wound was stitched together once again. I had been stabbed in the leg, arm, shoulder and CHEST repeatedly for some stupid experiment as Aurelia and Greyson took turns torturing me and then curing me. I fell onto my side in pain. Aurelia stood over me unimpressed, with that idiot dolt Greyson smirking smugly behind her.

"Seriously? Who else am I going to practise on?" She huffed madly, blowing a stray hair out of the way.

" more. I don't want to do this." I sighed. Before Aurelia could retort, a loud thundering sound sounded outside. I was roughly shoved to the side as Aurelia dashed out to see what was going on.

"Who the hell are you and why are you here?" I heard her shout.

"Well, well, well. You'd expect the Light Healer to be stronger, wouldn't you? Anyways, I'm Julian."

"What do you want?"

"The Glowstone, of course. It's highly valuable and is in high demand for a spell that I'm working on."

"Spell? And who are you exactly."

"The Dark Healer, and if you don't hand the Glowstone in; I'm going to kill you."

I stuck my head out of the tent carefully and watched as it all began...


[Aurelia's POV]

I looked at the stranger that had shown up onto our campsite in shock.

"You're...the Dark Healer?" I looked at him skeptically. He had a thin figure, but he was tall and looked fit.

"Yeah, basically." Julian flicked a lock of black hair out of his face.

"Do you know how anticlimactic this is, honestly? I was expecting some strong buff dude that emerged out of that volcano." I scoffed as my eyebrow was practically reaching my hairline.

"I could say the same, really. I was the one expecting the Light Healer to be really...competent." He looked at me amusedly.

"Alright, so why do you need the Glowstone?"

"I told you I need it for the spell, didn't I? A spell to summon the Sword of Darkness."

" First of all it's a family heirloom so I'm not gonna give it to you. And secondly, you're literally using it for no good." I said, not believing how great my luck was.

This is the Dark Healer? Yeesh, some evil guy he is...

"Well....then I think I might have to kill you. Pity too, you have a nice face." Julian pulled out a sword and inched towards me. I took out my dagger and held a defensive stance.

"You? You're gonna kill me? With those matchstick arms?" I smiled amusedly.

"Mistake number 1; what looks weak is strong." He grinned back; before leaping into the air. I ducked out of the way just in time.

"Hmm...maybe you should check yourself and make sure you're not making the same mistake." I slid behind him and took an aim at his back.

Before I could react to what was happening, I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder. I looked at Julian's sword and saw blood.

"You cut my arm you jerk!" I yelled.

"I'm going to cut a lot more if you don't hand the Glowstone over." Julian smirked. I focused my energy towards my shoulder and smiled in satisfaction as I felt the cut heal.

"Never." I gritted my teeth in determination. I had underestimated him; behind his goofy exterior was a set of deadly skills that sadly could kill me.

"Well then...." A series of black blurs flashed before me and before I knew it; I was bleeding and on the floor.

"Damn you!" I spat out a mouthful of blood.

He's too strong for me. How can I possible survive? After all; the extent of my powers is just healing wounds...

I focused more of my energy to healing my cuts; leaving me lightheaded and seeing black after each session. Soon enough. I felt cold metal being pressed to my neck.

"Hand. It. Over." Julian hissed.

"Stop! I'll hand it over!" We turned to see my mother standing defiantly in front of us.

"Don't! He's going to destroy the world if you give it to him! Run, you people! I may be weak but I might be able to fend him off for a while." I shouted.

"Aurelia, don't be stupid! There's still a chance!" Mother screamed. Julian looked down at me smugly.

"Well? What will it be? You or your mother?"

"Me!" We both shouted at the same time.

"ME! KILL ME! Run everyone!" I yelled.

"Very well."

Pain, more pain. Next thing I knew; my chest was gushing blood but Julian was also gushing blood. I looked up to see Dylan holding a bloody sword and Greyson rushed to my side. He pressed his hands on the wound and it was healed in an instant.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah....? What happened."

"Military muscles; that's what happened. I wasn't going to let this idiot kill my future wife or mother-in-law." Dylan flashed me a smile.

I wobbling sat up and grabbed Julian's arm.

There was no pulse.

I was about to sigh in relief when suddenly black dust swirled in the air; disintegrating Julian's limp body. The blackness lifted up in a flurry and headed towards the direction of the Dark Volcano.

"Hmmm....he'll be back." Cashew butted in; riding on Aurora's head.

"Aurelia, my pack and I thank you. With the elimination of the Dark Healer; Light Pack shall grow stronger. I can feel it already." The white she-wolf bowed her head.

"But....killing him was surprisingly easy." I mumbled, confused.

"He's not killed. He shall be back after many years; reincarnated and blood thirsty. But Light Pack will be ready for him."

My head hit the dirt in relief.

"So it's over?" I asked.

"Yes, it is."

And that's all I needed to hear before drifting into sleep.

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