Chapter 14- Suck it up, bud

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"Alright, you guys! Chop chop! You five pack up this place while the rest of us follow Romano. He probably has my mother locked up somewhere." I said, gesturing to the group of stinking men in front of me.

"Yes, m'lady! Wait....then why are we chopping trees?" The redhead guard asked stupidly.

"What? No! It's just a phrase! It means you have to hurry up. Now get packing, Ginger!" Falcone snapped, stepping into authority.

"Hey! My name's Nathan!" The guard protested.

"Don't care, never cared, don't want to care, never will care. JUST STARTED PACKING!" I interrupted, before turning on my heels and running after Romano.

"Wait up!" Dylan said, jogging after me.

"Oi! Me too! OWWWWWWW. That rock came outta nowhere!" I heard Greyson shriek.

"SHUT UP!" I whisper-yelled.

"I think I broke something..." he winced, gripping his heart painfully.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"My dignity!" Booger Boy whined.

"Pffft, as if you had any dignity to begin with." I remarked sarcastically as I followed the trail of horse hoove prints Romano had left, as well as an occasional spot of blood.

"Didn't get enough of me the first time, Princess?" A voice spat in my ear. I turned around to see Romano clutching his nose and somehow still smirking.

"Hand her over." I demanded.

"Who?" An expression of confusion washed over his face before he regained his composture.

"My mother." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Wha-? She's uh, not here." Romano said.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME, YOU SICK BASTARD!" I shrieked at him, my resolve crumbling like a cookie in milk.

"Huh, you're quite rude for a princess...and rude princesses get punished!" He smirked, uncovering his hand from his nose to reveal a blood covered, crooked nose. With a wave of his hand, Romano's minions shoved us to the ground and muffled our voices with dirty clothes. Trying not to gag, I glared at Cashew who was in my pocket. He seemed to understand my message and discreetly scampered off into the woods.


[Cashew's POV]

I ran off as fast as my legs would take me back to the camp site. One of the guards recognised me and picked me up aggresively.

"OI YOU! You're ruining my tail!" I squeaked in protest, but then I realised that they couldn't understand me anyway.

"'s so cute!" The guard cooed, killing my fur in the progress. In desperation I bit him.

"Hey, you! Stop dawdling! Help me pack up!" Another human said. I jumped around his feet, trying to get his attention. I got his attention, alright. Just not the attention I was expecting.

"AHHHHHH!!!! IT'S A RAT!" He screeched, jumping up and down, ALMOST STOMPING ON ME IN THE PROCESS!

"You numbskulls! It's trying to tell us something!" The red-haired man said. I leapt up onto a branch and started making frantic movements towards Aurelia and the rest of them.

 I leapt up onto a branch and started making frantic movements towards Aurelia and the rest of them

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