Chapter 19-Blood and spiders that look like stink bugs

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[Aurelia's POV]

The relief and I happiness that I felt after finding mother was quickly replaced by fear as soon as my gaze shifted to Aurora. Dark red blood was dripping out of the fresh wound. I gripped the arrow in my hand and yanked it out in one swift motion. Aurora whimpered in pain as a new wave of blood poured out.

"Do something! Save her!" Mother screeched at me.

"Oh geez. Really now? I was actually just going to let her bleed to death. But yes, saving her does seem like a good idea." I rolled my eyes at her, ripping off the lower part of my blouse and pressing the cloth onto the wound.

"Don't get cocky with me! Now do something!" She whacked me on the back of my head.

I ignored the dull throbbing pain that was caused by my own dear mother and concentrated on the disaster before me. Closing my eyes, I lowered my hand onto the bloody wound.

"What are you doing? Get a bloody bandage! Seriously, do I have to do it myself." Mother hissed, poking my ribs.

"Queen Miranda. Let Aurelia continue, I am more then happy to be her experimental subject if she can discover her Light Healing powers. Besides....I've already lost so much blood...." Aurora insisted weakly. Mother looked down at her cautiously.

"Alright, alright. Aurelia, Aurora's life is in your hands." She sighed, sitting back and watching me almost amusedly. I continued to focus at the task at hand.

Please heal her. Please heal her. Please heal her.

I opened one eye.

Aurora was still bleeding profusely. Maybe I shouldn't have pulled the arrow out, at least it was preventing large amounts of blood loss!

Heal her! Heal her! HEAL HER!!!!!

Nope, blood still gushing out at an alarming rate.


I felt a rush of warm energy rush through my body and through my fingertips. I opened my eyes only to close them again as blinding bright light flooded the space. Suddenly, the rush of power was gone as quickly as it came. I nervously opened my eyes again and slowly lifted up the blood-soaked cloth. Aurora's flesh wound had closed, leaving nothing but a slight scar and a lot of dried blood on her fur.

"Wha—??" I gawked in shock.

"Y-you actually did it! You managed to do something with your powers. Geez, I thought this day would never come." Mother stared at Aurora and turned to look at me like I was some sort of alien.

"Real supportive, mother. Real supportive." I rolled my eyes. Aurora tried to stand up but crumpled to the floor again.

"She's probably lost too much blood. Aurelia, bring her into the tent and wipe the blood off. I'll be off to find some food." Mother walked away briskly.

"T-the rest of my pack. Where are they?" Aurora looked at me, her azure eyes filled with worry.

"They'll find our camp right? Can't they sense your scent or something?" I asked, pouring water onto the crusty blood that was clumping to her fur.

"I sure hope they do." The she-wolf plonked her head down. Cashew, who was napping in the corner of my tent woke up.

"Geezus, I smell blood- oh my fluffy tail! Is that...Aurora? Long time no see! I thought I'd have to live the rest of my lonely squirrel life without seeing you again!" He squeaked excitedly, hopping onto Aurora's head. She growled at the sight of him.

"Uhh Cashew? You might wanna back off considering you're dealing with a hungry carnivorous wolf right now." I warned the hyperactive rodent.

"Pffft, Aurora? She wouldn't try to eat me- Yikes! That's my tail! Don't go slashing your claws at me!" Cashew jumped away, clutching his tail dearly. Aurora sighed and backed down.

"I'm sorry Cashew, I haven't eaten in such a long time." She grumbled.

"Alright, hang tight. I'm going to see if any of the guys have any leftover beef jerky." I dove out of the tent flaps with Cashew at my heel.

"Geezus, women are scary when they're hungry." He muttered under this breath. I stifled a giggle and looked around the campsite. I caught Dylan's gaze as he walked up to me.

"God, Aurelia. What's with the blood?" He eyes traveled down to my exposed stomach, I swatted him away.

"Hey, eyes up here! Mind you, I had to use some of my blouse for a bandaid. Now, go find me some leftover beef jerky." I commanded.

"Beef jerky? There's none left." He said innocently, holding his hands up. I glared at him suspiciously.

"Empty your pockets."

Dylan reached into his pocket and reluctantly gave me a wax-paper covered package. However, I was still quite suspicious.

"What's the bulge in your sleeve?" I grabbed his arm and uncovered another packet. Dylan pouted.

"Oh come on, woman! That was the last bit left!" He sulked. I gave him a triumphant smirk and returned to my tent. Aurora had now managed to sit up.

"Here, have some of this." I said, unwrapping the paper to reveal the last bits of beef jerky. Before I could even blink, the jerky was already on it's merry way down Aurora's digestive track. Well, not exactly 'merry' since the final form of the beef jerky would come out as faeces-

"Ah yes, thank you Princess Miranda." She sighed happily, laying down in the corner of the tent. Cashew grumbled angrily. I grabbed a wet cloth and a bucket of water and started to wash away the brown, clumping blood on Aurora's white fur.

"Oi, that's my napping spot-" he protested before Aurora shot him a 'you-better-lump-it-or-else' glare, "on second thoughts, the cold hard ground over there would just do fine. Now if you'll excuse me." Cashew muttered quickly before scurrying out of the tent. Aurora blinked after him and shrugged.

"I'm back- oh! Aurora, you seem to be doing much better." Mother said, stepping into the tent with a basketful of vegetables. Noticing that Aurora was already asleep, she set the basket down and crept back out of the tent after shooting me a grateful smile.

With the she-wolf's fur clean, I crept into my sleeping bag and closed my eyes, wishing for sleep to wash over me. Instead, I tossed and turned uncomfortably.

Ughh, why is the ground underneath me so lumpy?
God, was my pillow always this uncomfortable?
OH MY GIDDY AUNT! IS THAT A STINK BUG ON MY ARM- no wait, just a spider. Phew. Wait- a spider? Oh my god! Get it off, get it off, get it off- eww I accidentally squashed it. Sorry spider!

And before I knew it, I was already on the brink of sleep. But I swear I heard a small voice before I fell unconscious.

"Aurelia, help us."

Or maybe, just maybe I was actually hallucinating. You never really know with these types of things.

But what I do know is that wolves snore pretty loud. Just ask Aurora.



BOOM! I JUST DROPPED ANOTHER CHAPTER! I feel so accomplished....hehehehe..... Anyways, *over-dramatic, b*tchy voice* WHAT DO YOU THINK AURELIA HEARD????


Find out next on THE HOWL OF THE WOLF!

(Geez, I sound like a drunk television host on drugs.)


SassyRoyal xx

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