Chapter 10- Hahahaha, yeah.....NO!

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After an absolutely miserable dinner, all I wanted to dig a hole in the soil and die there. But before I could get the shovel, Dylan suddenly appeared in front of me. Frabjous day!

"Yes, sir?" I grumbled. Dylan whipped out a bunch of roses. Wait...... I looked around at the gathering crowd.

"Aurelia," he started, " in the days that I have known you, you have been a funny, kind girl, with such a great imagination and creativity, whom I'm lucky to have in my life. As a result, will you court me?" He begged, giving me puppy eyes. Ha! Not this time buddy! Or any time...

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Ohmygod! This is hilarious. He...wants me to COURT....him?" I said, between laughs.

"AURELIA ARCHER!" I heard Mother holler. Falconpoop cleared his throat awkwardly.

" weren't joking?" I said in mock disbelief.

"No." I heard him mumble.

"What was that?" I pressed.

"No." Dylan said a shade louder.

"I can't hea-"

"NO!!! I wasn't joking, okay? Now can I have the answer to my question?" Falcone yelled. Silence washed over the room.

"Did you, a suitor, just shout at a girl who was actually considering you for a split of a second. Where is the chivalry these days!?Oh.....erm. Well..." I quickly added on as Mother grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the side.

"Give us a moment." She called behind her shoulder.

"What was that for?" I hissed, once we were out of sight.

"You are going to say yes to that poor young man, you hear me?" Mother said.

"Well, he's not poor. His father IS a multi-millionare...ha ha...." I joked awkwardly. I got an unamused expression in reply.


"No, mother! Can you please listen to me? I've tried to be an obedient daughter my whole life but I want to follow my dreams-" I begged.

"YOUR DREAMS DON'T MATTER!" Mother yelled in frustration, before realising what she just said, "I'm so sorry, sweetie. It's just that-"

"That everything I do has to be for Arcadia? That what I want in life is like a speck of dust? You know what? Sometimes, I HATE YOU!" I screamed at her, and before Mother could reply. But not before I saw her disappointed expression.

I ran past Dukes, Duchesses, Lords and other people who had a look of disbelief on their faces. I ran all the way to my room and started sobbing my eyes out. I almost fell asleep until someone knocked on my door.

Bang, clash thud!

"AWELIA! SWAVE MWE!" A squeaky sandpapery voice said.

"I'm very sorry Princess Aurelia, I tried to restrain him but he's throwing a childish tantrum-" I heard a guard grunt as dull thuds could be heard.

"Go away, Greyson!" I muttered.

"No, seriously Aurelia. The mark on my arm-" he said, somehow instantly reverting into a normal young adult. Right one cue, I felt a stinging sensation in my arm. It was glowing. I opened the door to see Booger Boy in a chokehold as 2 guards tried to keep him down on the carpet.

"You better come in." I said, rubbing at my red, swollen eyes.

"What's hwappening?" He said, plotting himself on my lap. I shoved him off with a disgusted expression, smiling as he landed head first. I opened the History of Wolves and found a helpful page.

"Now REVERT YOU BLOODY PIGLET HEAD!" I continued reading.

' Light Healers have the ability to detect disasters beforehand. The symptoms include, the mark on their arm glowing. This symbolises that great evil will be upon them and those around them.'

"Great evil, huh?" Greyson chuckled nervously.

"This is not good." I mumbled.

"I know what it might be! That Falcone guy might propose to you instead!" He joked.

"Look, Booger. It's been a really long day and I don't give two cents about Dylan and can you PLEASE GET OUT OF MY ROOM SO I CAN SLEEP OR I'LL BLOODY STAB SOMEONE?" My voice rose into a screech.

"Okay, okay." Booger Boy said, slowly retreating.

"I'm just tired, okay? We'll discuss this tomorrow." I sighed.

"Well, goodnight." He said uncertainly, before closing the door behind him. Letting out another heavy sigh, I fell back onto my trusty pillows.


Two wolves, black and white were engaged in combat. Snarling and growling could be heard as they thrashed around angrily.

"Romano, you will never win!" Aurora growled at the young arrogant black wolf who had newly become the leader of Shadow Pack.

"Huh, Daniel was always sloppy at his job. No wonder he died. This time I'll do it right. " Romano scoffed, his green eyes glinting.

"Watch it, Toad Face. Daniel was still my brother. He was just...misguided. " Aurora warned.

"Pffftt.... what a sad bitch you are! Defending a traitor!" The black wolf growled, triggering another round of fighting.

But deep down, Aurora knew that he was right.

[Aurelia's POV]

I woke up groggily, remembering the dream I had that night of two wolves fighting. Since Daniel died, some guy called Romano had taken over. Strangely, I knew exactly what Aurora was thinking. Hm...the perks of being a Light Healer. Right on cue, a guard burst into my room.

"Your Highness! Queen Miranda has disappeared!" He panted.

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