Chapter 7- Bombshell of DOOM

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3 months later...

Booger Boy has refused to talk to me ever since his brother's death. I gave him time to recover from his snobby attitude, thinking that he probably needed time to suck it up and take it like a man. Boy was I wrong! Greyson had decided that I was public enemy number 1, replying to me in only 1 or 2 syllables. Well if that's how you want to do it. This game can be played by the 2 of us. I ignored him too, not bothering to even look at him, I even made a new friend called Vickie and hanged out with her to block Booger Boy from my life.

Vickie and I were just laughing at the tale of her horrible first date when Greyson approached us and stood in front of me. I looked up at him, annoyed.

"What?" I said, with an attitude.

"I need to talk to you. Excuse me Victoria." He said, barely giving Vickie a second glance. She gave me a thumbs and a wink, before making shooing motions.

"Well?" I said.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Booger Boy demanded.

"Because I can. Besides, you stopped talking to me first. And now you come here acting like Mr Slick demanding why I haven't talked to you? " I shot back.

"Whatever. Anyways, your Mother wants you to meet her in the drawing room. Good day Princess Aurelia." He said, looking like a water-drenched rooster trying to regain some of his dignity before spinning on his heels and leaving.

"Wait!" I called, I had something urgent to tell him.

"Yes, Your Highness?" He said coldly.

"Daisy is engaged to Sir Franklin and they're getting married in a few weeks, so you might wanna stop looking at her behind. It might send the wrong message." I said smugly, before heading off.

"Excuse me?" I heard Booger Boy shout after me.

"You're excused!" I called back.

"And you're just jealous!"

I ignored him.


I greeted Mother and a "dashingly handsome young man" (Her words, not mine). As I looked at the man in front of me, I agreed that he was indeed attractive. Dylan Falcone (the name of that young man), the son of Senior Officer Falcone, looked like a Greek god with sculpted cheekbones and sharp features. However he probably also got stabbed with a steak fork in the face several times which got set on fire after that. So the question is, why did I agree that he was good-looking? The answer is simple: to keep my head where it should be, on my neck. No harsh feelings Dylan, but you're really not my type (not that anybody is).

Unfortunately for me, Mr Falcone was practically beaming with joy after hearing my white lie. I almost puked when he took my hand and planted a disgusting kiss on it. Keep your lunch in, Aurelia. Nobody needs to know that you had an extra serving of pudding.

"Why hello, kind sir." I mustered with a fake smile, after I was sure that my food wouldn't make an unwelcomed appearance.

"Excuse me, Dylan. Aurelia and I have to talk." Mother said, beaming with joy.

"Of course. Good day your Highnesses." Mr Falconpoop left the room before giving me a fleeting glance. Ugh.... I turned around to face Mother.

"What was that all about?" I asked, taking a seat.

"Oh, isn't he lovely? I bet he'll make such a wonderful husband...." Mother said, with a dreamy look on her face.

"WHAT?!!?!?!?! Mum, aren't you a bit old to be married to him? He's practically MY age! And what would Dad think-" I rambled.

"Oh, you silly girl. I meant that he will make such a good husband for you." She said, laughing.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?!!? I'm 17 for God's sake!" I screeched.

"Calm'll be 18 in 2 weeks. And that Falcone boy is a perfect match for you, he comes from a great military background-" Mother assured me.

"But I don't want to get married!" I protested, earning a stern look.

"Aurelia....after that 'Hartman Incident' a couple months ago, I've realised that life's too short for this. Please, for my sake. At least get to know him." Mother said softly.


"Please." Mother pressed. I looked at her face, worn from the years of work and stress to bring me and my two siblings up and maintaining a kingdom at the same time. I sighed wearily.

"Alright Mother, I'll try."

Oh god....what have I gotten myself into?

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