Chapter 15- They can't hurt if they never existed

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Days went by and food resources were running low, however I still had hope that Mother was still out there somewhere. It was just....a feeling that she was still alive. Suddenly, overwhelming anger overcome me and I kicked out in fury.

"Damn this thing!" I cursed, and I felt my foot connect with something.

"Argh! My prized baby makers! It hurts!" I heard Greyson cry.

"They can't hurt of they never existed."I  said, chuckling snidely.

"As if you're the one to talk!"

"Well guess what? I'm a girl so...."

"You wanna take this outside? Oh wait...we are outside..."

"Guys, cut it out! Humans these days, always resorting to violence. But I must say, the male human is the case for most arguments! " Cashew sighed disapprovingly.

"Yeah! Wait what?" Booger Boy said, scratching his head. I sure hope he doesn't have fleas!

"Nothing, you just got insulted by a squirrel. Nothing to worry about." I said sarcastically.

"Ahh...right. Cool."

I sighed, walking over to Falcone who was looking a map. He looked up after feeling my presence over his shoulder and grinned.

"What?" I said irritability.

"I heard you kicked your boyfriend in his 'prized baby makers'. How did that go down?" he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"He's not my boyfriend, thank God for that, and it went down very well, thanks." I said, turning my attention to the map.

"So he's not your boyfriend?" Dylan asked, even though he clearly knew that I was not courting anyone.

"Your point is...?" I snapped.

"Well it means that I stand a chance with you, no?" he says evilly.

"Yeah, you stand a chance at being slapped in the face." I said, refusing to be distracted from the map.

"Oh come on! You even agreed that I was handsome!" Dylan tried, nudging me in the ribs.

"Oi! Keep your hands and feet to yourself! Isn't that the first thing you learn in kindergarten? And if you had a mother as scary as mine, you'd agree with her no matter what." I said, slapping his arm away.

"So I'm not handsome?" he said, running a hand through his hair. My heart skipped a beat as I stared at him. My legs suddenly felt weak. Oh crap!!!






"Oh-oh God." I gasped weakly. A grin sneaked onto Falconpoop's face.

"So I see, you've fallen for my-" he began smugly.


"Yes??" he said, taking a step towards me.

"Stay back! I don't want your-" I said, grabbing a stick to defend myself.

"Incredible manliness all over you? Understandable,  after all I am a pretty good-looking fellow. It's okay if you wanna take it slowwwww..." Dylan said, dragging out the last word while flexing his biceps. And then my head started itching, I dropped the stick and started scratching uncontrollably.

"Oh joy, I'm infected  by your bloody fleas!" I cursed.

"What?" he said, confusion clouding his face.

"ARGH you idiot!! I'm not in love with you!!! I was panicking because I saw your stupid fleas in your hair! And it's just my luck I dread fleas,or any kind of parasite! You know what? I'm done talking to you, I need to find my herbs..." I yelled in frustration, before walking away.

"And I thought I just hit first base.." I heard Falcone say wistfully as I dug in my bag of herbs.

Wasting no time, I ground the herbs with two rocks and added water and soap tree leaves into the mixture. Running over to the nearby lake, I thoroughly washed my hair several times to make sure the fleas were  gone,  before making everyone else do so as well.


[Miranda's POV]

"So you're telling me that my country is in danger?" I stammered, after hearing the full horrific tale Aurora had just told me.

"I'm afraid so, Your Majesty." She replied.

"Well that's just great! Arcadia ain't gonna last very long especially with King Robert in charge. Why is he king anyway? He's technically Prince Robert, ughh...." I felt a migraine coming on.

"Unless..." Aurora said, interrupting my thoughts.


"We sense that your youngest daughter and her assistant is in the forest. My pack has been feeling stronger with their aura nearby.  We must find her and unlock her Healer powers." she stated.

"Well then let's go! Gather the pack by howling or something!! We need to move!" I said, clapping impatiently. 

"Well we would ,but the pack is weak with hunger, because the civilians are becoming greedier but mainly  because the Dark Pack are eating most of the physical prey, leaving us barely anything."

"Hmm... That could be solved." I said, looking around. To me, uncooked food was right in front of me, but to a hungry wolf? Not so much...

"How so, you majesty??" Aurora asked anxiously, her nose twitching.

"Well, I don't suppose any of you are vegetarian?" I asked.

"Hmm... I don't actually know. We are wolves, we're used to eating meat but..."

Half an hour later, I found myself cooking for 50 hungry members of the Light Clan. As I knelt by the river to gather some of the edible plantation, I saw a mass of soap suds and the familiar smell of herbs tickled my nose. I caught a chunk a bit up and inspected it. Grassberry and soap tree leaves. A typical treatment shampoo for fleas, one that I taught to Aurelia who was the only one out of her siblings interested in herbs. Wait....

"Aurelia!!!" I gasped. I grabbed the plants that I had gathered and I also scooped up the soap suds and herbs in case anyone further downstream would see it before running back to the Light Pack den.

"So they're upstream?" Aurora questions as she finishes the last of her food. Surprisingly the Wolves were not necessarily carnivorous after all.

"I firmly believe so." I state confidently.

"Well then get some rest, we head off before dawn tomorrow." she saws briskly.

"Happy late birthday Aurelia." I whispered, before falling asleep on the cold stone floor.

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I know I said that I would update during the summer holidays but the bad thing is that THE WIFI BLOODY RESTRICTS WATTPAD!!!! But I did write this chapter during the holidays so... Points for trying??


KawaiiQueen8888 ('▽`)/

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