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i sat on the dirty ground, arms wrapped around my knees and heart beating a little too fast for comfort.

his footsteps were slow and draggy, i didn't like the sound of it, not one bit. i could hear his heavy breathing get louder by the second, and i shut my eyes and prayed that the night would be too dark for him to see me.

the footsteps stopped, the heavy breathing stopped. all i could hear was the sound of my beating heart and the breath i desperately tried to hold.

it was silent for a while, and i thought he had given up and went home. i was about to stand up until i felt a hand grab my wrist, making me scream at the top of my lungs.

he pulled me up from the ground, shoved me against the brick wall and covered the lower part of my face with a wet towel that smelled like chemicals.

i held my breath. i knew that if i breathed even a little more of that shit in, i was going to pass out. and that was the last thing i wanted to do at this point of time.

"rin?" a familiar voice yelled from the other end of the alley, leaving the dickhead that was about to kidnap me stunned. i took this chance to knee him at the place where the sun doesn't shine, and he fell onto the ground, sounds of agony escaping his lips.

i attempted to run away, but even in pain, he managed to grab onto my ankle, making me fall onto the ground with a 'thud'.

clicking my tongue, i gave his face a hard (and incredibly satisfying) kick. two kicks, just in case his nose wasn't broken yet.

"rin, are you okay? did he do anything to you? are you hurt? do i need to call an ambulance?" daniel threw questions at me whilst helping me up from the ground.

"i'm fine, just scraped my knees a little." i struggled to balance myself as i stood up. my knees hurt like hell from that fall, i'm surprised that i was able to kick that hard just now.

"wait, but why are you here, daniel?" we stood in silence, but even in the dark, i could see his eyes flicker from right to left nervously.

something clicked in my head, and i felt extremely stupid for not realising this earlier.

"you're daniel..? the daniel who loves cats and used the cheesiest fucking pick-up line on me when i first messaged him..?" i said, but it came out more like a question.

reluctantly, he nodded. everything was so much clearer now, but at the same time, my mind was boggled, countless questions swimming in my brain.

the sound of police sirens prevented me from asking any questions. the dickhead that was still lying unconscious on the ground a few seconds ago, suddenly bolted up, and prepared to flee the scene.

daniel grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him, face-first, against the brick wall. two policemen soon came running over,  they asked us a few questions before arresting the man, who was already a wanted criminal and was notorious for being a kidnapper in the area.

once the police left, we were the only ones left in the dark alley, awkward silence engulfing the both of us.

"why didn't you tell me earlier? that you two were the same person?" i questioned daniel, but he kept quiet. i huffed in exasperation.

"nevermind. it's 3am, you should go home. i'm gonna go home, too." i turned and was about to walk off, but he grabbed my wrist, making me turn around.

"because i was scared that you won't treat me the same way you did online. i was scared that you won't be the same rin i first met online. because to you, the daniel in your school is a fuckboy, but the daniel online isn't. if i told you the truth, you'll see both daniels as fuckboys, and i don't want that."

what surprised me wasn't what he said, but the fact that his voice sounded so broken when he spoke.

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