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daniel 😸:

are you kim jaerin?




you can use your phone? aren't you in the icu?

daniel 😸:

they just transferred me to the normal wards and gave me my phone

daniel 😸:

so you ARE kim jaerin?


yep, i'm kim jaerin


do you remember anything?

daniel 😸:

no, but

daniel 😸:

can i ask you a question?


of course, go ahead

daniel 😸:

are you my girlfriend??


no?? why?

daniel 😸:

because your name is saved as 'rin ❤'


tell me why i'm not surprised


but yeah, i'm not your girlfriend


i'm just a regular old friend that happens to be a girl

daniel 😸:

how did we meet?


well, a little more than a month ago, i thought of a random phone number because i was bored as fuck in class. when i went home that day, i was curious and tried texting that random number i made up. and guess what, that was your number


our first convo went a little like:

me: hi

you: are you cinderella? cause i see that dress coming off at midnight ;)

me: im-


and basically i thought you were a fuckboy, and then one minute after that i thought you were a 60-year old pedophile, but we still kept talking to each other because i have no friends


then the day after we met, you transferred to my school, into my class. i didn't know it was you since neither of us knew how each other looked like. you found out that the 'rin' you met online yesterday was actually the kim jaerin in your new class before me, but yet you didn't tell me. you hid it from me pretty well, until one night where i almost got kidnapped and you saved me before i actually did get kidnapped


so after that, you became my seat partner in class and we hung out almost everyday. we also walked home from school together since we live in the same area


you also promised to go to lotte world with me, but i guess we can't do that right now haha

daniel 😸:


daniel 😸:

i think i remember a little bit now

daniel 😸:

thank you rin

daniel 😸:

wait i mean

daniel 😸:

thanks bby girl ;)) ❤

daniel 😸:

and we can go to lotte world after i get better, i'll promise you that

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