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"the driver involved in the hit-and-run that happened on 25 august, 2017, has been found. the 21-year old jung dahye has been sentenced to 2 years in jail. her driver's license has also been suspended. with the help from a member of the public, we have discovered that her family used money to bribe two police officers in order to fake jung dahye's innocence. the authorities are currently discussing on what action would be the most appropriate to take for this situation."

i read the article from the newspaper they provided in the hospital out loud, triumph overfilling my being.

"karma bit her in the fucking ass, huh? i hope she enjoys her 24-month long stay in prison, because money ain't gonna help her get out of trouble this time." slotting the newspaper back into the shelf i took it from, i stole a glance at daniel, who was eating his lunch with a face that screamed 'i do not enjoy this food'.

"hey, if you really don't wanna eat the food, i can ask the nurse if i can go get you some from the hospital cafeteria." daniel's eyes immediately grew brighter, a smile replaced the frown that hung on his pink lips.

he nodded aggressively, and i couldn't help but laugh at his child-like behaviour.

"alright, i'll go get something else for you. wait here, it won't take long." i slipped out of his ward, but realised that i had forgotten to take my wallet, and proceeded to slip back into the room with an embarrassed grin to grab it.

there wasn't much variety in the cafeteria, and if i followed the nurse's food suggestions, there were even lesser choices to choose from. i ended up getting the most boring item in the entire cafeteria, some kind of chicken broth with small chunks of chicken and different kinds of vegetables, with a side of brown rice.

well, at least it looked better than the crap they served to the patients in the hospital. honestly, the first time i saw that lump of 'i don't even know what' on daniel's tray, i thought it was actual horse shit.

when i gave daniel the food i bought, i don't think i've ever seen him this happy before. it must've been hell, eating the same shit every single day. i should get him food from the cafeteria everyday, he'll get better quicker if he eats more, and when he gets better, we can finally go to lotte world together.

"is the food good? i didn't know what to buy, so if it tastes bad it isn't my fault, blame the store vendor." daniel snorted in the midst of chucking food into his mouth, "so much better than the food i got for the past week. i thought i was gonna die from the horrible food."

"that's good. eat more, you'll recover faster if you eat a lot." i sat on the edge of his bed, and watched in amusement as he continued to gulp the food down like it was air.

(a/n: omg 3.42K reads?? in less than 15 days?? im: so fucking shookt)

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