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daniel 😸:

so how was lotte world??


pretty good


like i was having a nice little conversation with jihoon, you know, making friends and all


and then dahye appeared out of absofuckinglutely nowhere and literally DRAGGED him over to the food stand


best part is, she acted as if i wasn't??even??there??


so basically for the entire day i was following them around, magically becoming the third-wheel when at the first place jihoon was the one who asked me out?? not dahye??

daniel 😸:

wow my bitch siren is ringing


mhm same it was ringing like crazy during the day


okay but at least today wasn't complete shit


when dahye went to the toilet we ditched her and went to ride on the carousel


and we lowkey forgot about her so we rode the carousel like 5 times before remembering that we ditched her 30 minutes ago


she was so fucking pissed when she saw me but when she looked at jihoon she became all happy again

daniel 😸:

wow looks like someone's a little fake 👀👀

daniel 😸:

and the fact that she can't even be discreet about it is actually kinda funny lol


okay but it's so funny because jihoon looked so fucking confused when she was all over him but she didn't notice it at all


and when we ditched her he fucking asked me who the hell dahye was im-

daniel 😸:


daniel 😸:

why the hell is she suddenly like 5 times bitchier than she already was tho

daniel 😸:

like did something happen between you two or something??


no?? i don't remember anything happening between us that could change her personality so drastically in such a short time

daniel 😸:

omg do you think it's pms


nahhh don't think so, in all the years i've been with her she's never acted so godamn bitchy before, and she isn't the type to get mood swings during her period so i don't think that's the reason


should i just text her and ask her what's wrong??


eh but she's probably still mad at me for ditching her just now

daniel 😸:

wow she's petty too?? what a rat tbh

daniel 😸:

honestly you should just cut ties with her lmao

daniel 😸:

and i'm starting to think that her personality didn't change, she's just starting to show her real personality after putting on a facade for so long

daniel 😸:

what a snake 😤


as much as i don't wanna believe that that's true, you're probably right


yo but i'm gonna fucking throw hands if she continues to act like a bitch in school


oh shit


speaking of the devil


she just texted me

daniel 😸:

what she say? 👀👀


"don't think i've forgiven you for abandoning me just now, you bitch. i only acted nice because jihoon was around. and speaking about jihoon, why the hell did you go on a date with him? don't you know that i've had a crush on him for the longest fucking time? and you call yourself a friend, what a joke. i'm warning you, don't you dare steal jihoon away from me, or i'll take away the person you love the most, too."

daniel 😸:

what the actual fuck??

daniel 😸:

iS thIs biTcH foR fuCkInG reAL rIgHT NoW


i'm: fucking heated


i: want to fight her


but: i won't because i have self control


just kidding i have no self control


she better like hospital food because i'm sending her there right fucking now

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