Chapter 2:Rayanne

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I wake up with dog slobber on my face. "Good morning to you too, Pansy." I say slightly pushing her off me.

Today's the first day of summer. Yes! No more school! I say my morning prayer, then get up.

I walk down to my bathroom. You see, my bed is on a mezzanine as is my desk. My closet, bathroom, personal library and shelves are on the "first floor." I shower then change into shorts and a shirt and slippers.

I may be a rich girl, but I don't mind wearing casual attires once in a while.

I lead Pansy downstairs where my parents, sister, and brother are eating breakfast.

I sit down and we all pray then eat our breakfast. "Mmmm. Yum. Alice, you really are the best cook ever." Ryan says licking his lips. She laughs. "Thank you Ryan."

We finish eating and just sit there since we're all still full. "What do you guys wanna do today?" I ask them. "How about going to the park?" Rachel suggests with a hidden smile. "Mhmm. I think someone's gonna meet someone there." Ryan says stuffing his bacon in his mouth. We all laugh while Rachel turns pink. "Rachel, you can just go. You're getting married soon." My mom says laughing. "Alright then. Mom? Can I go meet Jason at the park?" She asks. "Yes." My dad says. "See you later then!" She says hugging and kissing them both on the cheeks.

I look at Ryan and raise my eyebrows. "How 'bout a swim?" Ryan asks. I nod and we run upstairs to change.

In a few minutes, I run back down and we kiss our parents and give them a hug. "See you later!" My mom says as they leave for work. We wave goodbye and dive into our pool in our backyard. Pansy and Roger try to dive in but we hold them back. "No swimming for our dogs today." I command. They heel and sit on their beds. Ryan and I swim around for a while.

"What are we gonna do this summer? Swim everyday?" Ryan asks looking at me. "I don't know. It does seem like it'll be another boring summer. I wish we could travel again. Go to Paris or Australia." I say. Ryan nods in agreement.

We swim around for another hour. "What else do you wanna do?" I ask him as we enter the house. "Why don't we go to the mall?" I ask. "Really? The mall?" He asks giving me that "seriously?" look. I smile.

"Park?" I ask. Ryan smiles. We change then get into my car. We reach the park then climb out. We look around for Rachel and Jason. They're getting married soon, and their dates are usually at the park. Not the best place for a date near your wedding day if you ask me. Their choice though. We stalk them, jogging like casual people.

We laugh and joke around when Rachel's near us. "This is getting boring." I say. "Yeah." He whispers. "Mhmm, thanks for stalking." Rachel says putting her hands on her hips as we turn around. "Hehehe." We say. Someone tickles me from behind. "Hi Jason." I say. "Hey, Rayanne. Ryan. Wanna join us?" He asks. We look at each other. "Where?" We ask. "We're going to Chili's." He says. We nod excitedly like little children and we follow them back to the parking lot.

We drive all the way to Chili's following Jason's car. We get there and sit down. "What do you guys wanna eat?" Rachel asks us. "Nothing. We're just bored, so you guys go ahead and you, know. Talk and stuff. We'll just be here." I say with a smile. They laugh and Ryan and I start playing the question game.

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