Chapter 17:Rayanne

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I look around and observe my surroundings. I'm in a shabby room. Rundown walls and a leaky ceiling. These kidnappers sure are geniuses. Note the sarcasm.

I get up and try the doorknob. They finally locked it. Great.

I sit on the bed. Nothing to do. Again. I stare out the window. We're in some sort of abandoned neighborhood. Rundown houses everywhere. No one in sight.

Steven opens the door. "Hello Rayanne. Follow me." He commands. I get up and follow, since there's nothing else to do anyway.

He leads me into a closet and presses a button. We walk into some sort of secret hallway. I should've known. Secret passages and stuff.

He leads me into an office. Scottish dude is sitting in his chair. If you wonder why I call him Scottish dude, let me explain. He has this Scottish accent and a red beard. He wears that hat thingy. Thankfully, he doesn't wear a kilt. That would be weird.

I sit down and he smiles at me. Okay. Creepy. His evil smile is really creepy. Gaps between his yellow teeth. They just don't look good with his red beard.

"Now, my dear lassie. I want you to do me a favor." He says. See? The Scottish accent. "What's your name?" I blurt out. He replies, "I'm Mark Schwevict." "Skivict?" I ask. "Schwevict. With a w sound." He says irritated. "Oh." I say still not understanding. Schwevict? It sounds more like sweetvict.

"So what do you want me to do?" I ask. "I want you to read this." He says handing me a card. "I'm supposed to tell my parents to hand over the company or else I get killed. Wow. Is that the best you can come up with?" I ask with my you've-got-to-be-kidding face. "That's not threatening enough?" Sweetvict asks. I stare at him. "Why not?" He asks. I shrug. I don't know. This just doesn't seem like the kind of bribe or threat mastermind criminals would do.

"Then I think we'll just have to kill one of your family members or friends in exchange." He says with a cruel smile. He gets a remote and points towards the screen. I look. People are surrounding my house. With guns. "Don't do what we want, and they'll be, well you know." He says. I snarl. "Fine." I say. He nods with satisfaction. He hands me a phone.

"Question!" I say raising my hand. He rolls his eyes and Steven stifles a laugh. "What?" He asks annoyed. "Wouldn't it be better to write? I mean, they probably can't determine anything. Unlike on a phone, they could hear the background or other voices." I say. He nods thinking it over. You may think I'm endangering myself more, but actually, no. I have a plan.

"I'll bring the supplies to your room." He says. I get up and walk out with Steven walking behind me. "You sure did make him mad." He says. I look at him. "Do you like him?" I ask. He shakes his head and his smile fades. "Then why are you here?" I ask stopping. "My parents died when I was young. I have no one left but my uncle." He says. "Oh. I see. So you're way much more of a softy than I thought." I say. He glares at me.

"Would you help me?" I ask. "How?" He asks. "Give me a paper to write the letter on with a watermark." I say. He smiles and nods. We walk again and arrive back at my room.

"I'll do my best. And uh, don't make anymore judgments about me okay?" He says with a smile. I shrug and give him a sly smile. He leaves.

Okay. So, if he does get the watermark like I hope, I can write the letter and my parents can figure out who's "holding" me.

I fall asleep soon and wake up with Steven putting my food on the table and the writing materials beside them. Okay. I sit up and eat.

"What am I supposed to write?" I ask him when I'm done. He shrugs and leaves. I start writing. Something that can be seen that it's me in need of help yet also a threat.

Dear mom & dad,

You are being given a choice. Either to give up the company or someone gets shot. Someone in the family. Please be wise. God bless. And I miss you all and love you.

Rayanne Chaise

I finish and put the paper and pen down under my pillow. I fall asleep again. Why? I don't want them to get the letter just yet.

"Psst. Anne." Someone whispers. "Huh?" I ask. "Rayanne Chaise. Get up." The woman hisses. "Aunt Fae?" I ask in disbelief. I get up and stuff the letter and pen in the inside pocket of my jacket. I follow her outside.

"Aren't there cameras here?" I ask. She shakes her head. "A friend of mine took care of them." She says running into an alley where her car is parked. I get in and she drives.

"How's everyone in your family?" I ask. "Good." I nod. "Where are we going?" I ask. "The City. We're in an abandoned neighborhood. We need the police. Rachel and Ryan called me in case you wanna know." She says. I nod and look out the window.

"Do you think they could ever forgive me?" I ask. Aunt Fae stays silent as if letting me answer my question. We drive in silence.

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