Chapter 4:Rayanne

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I run down the stairs and into the study where my parents are.

"Mom!" I say excitedly. "What is it, Anne?" She asks me. "Brandon just sent me a message!" I squeal. My parents look at each other with "that" look. I put my hands on my hips. "No. He's not asking me out. Jasmine has invited us to go on a vacation in New York!" I say. "Oh. I'd prefer Brandon asking you out." My dad says placing his attention back on his iMac.

"But-" "Anne. What are the details?" My mom cuts me off before I can start arguing with my dad. "Well, all of our friends will be going. It'll be a five day vacation." I say. My mom thinks it over. "Are any adults going?" She asks me. "No." I say quietly and sadly. "Then you know the answer." My mom says standing up.

"But mom! I'm 18 already. We don't need adults with us. Besides, we're already considered adults." I grumble. My mom looks at me. "Anne. I know you're 18. But anything could happen to you all. You're all rich kids. There are plenty of kidnappers out there." My mom says. "It's not like they'd know we're rich." I murmur. "You're a model. They'd definitely know you." My mom says back.

I cross my arms. "Is Brandon going?" My dad asks. "He said that his parents won't let him if you don't let me." I reply. "Because even though they know what's good for him, they want your judgement too." I add quietly. My dad nods like he's satisfied and goes back to whatever he's doing. My mom sighs.

"I'm gonna go up now. Okay?" My mom tells my dad. He nods. They have a quick goodnight kiss and my mom accompanies me upstairs.

"Anne. I'm sorry. I know you really wanna go. Especially since you're older. But we just can't risk losing you. I know it doesn't seem likely, but there's a big chance." She says looking at me as we pause at the top of the first flight of stairs. I grunt. She sighs. "Remember that we all love you." She says kissing my forehead. She gives me a hug and goes off to their room. I turn left and bang the door close.

I might be overreacting. But I can't stand this anymore. Why can't I go to New York with my friends? We're all "well off" kids and Jasmine has body guards. We'll be fine. I get out my phone and text Brandon.

Sorry. I can't go. You know our rules here. I text.

yeah. It's okay. I understand. It's been like this forever. I'm used to it;) He replies.

are Jasmine's body guards going? I ask.

Nope. Just her and our friends. He texts back. Oh, man. I could've told my mom that there were bodyguards. She would've let me, I'm sure.

You okay? He asks.

Oh, yeah. Totally fine. I never get to go anywhere with my friends for vacation. Of course I'm fine. I reply.

Sorry. I forgot about your feelings and your temper. Hehehe.

Whatever. Good night. I text with a smile on my face.

And thank you. You really do know how to cheer me up;)

I cheered you up? I thought I was teasing you...

Nope. Well, yes. But it helped. Thanks. God bless! Night!

Same;) Good night! He replies.

I put my phone on my side table and change into my pajamas. I say my personal goodnight prayer to God and lie down. Pansy comes up the stairs and jumps onto the bed.

"Goodnight Pansy." I say as she cuddles up against me. I smile and fall asleep.

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