Chapter 3:Rayanne

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The question game's rules are, you have to ask a question to the other person and that person must give an honest answer. No matter what the question is. You can see how close our family is.

"What's your favorite subject and why?" I ask Ryan. He changed them every year until middle school. From then on it was like recess or lunch because it was break time. "Dismissal." He says with a smile. I roll my eyes but still smile. "Because, school's out." He says proudly. I laugh. We look over at Rachel and Jason. They act like they're just best friends. Well, they sort of are.

"Okay. My turn." Ryan says looking back at me. "What rule do you wanna break and why? It has to be from our parents' of course." Ryan says with a sly smile. "Oh I am gonna get you back. Someday." I say threateningly with a laugh. He could use this against me if we fight. "Well, I wish I could travel on my own. I mean, go somewhere out of town with friends. No adults. You know?" I say asking no one in particular. He nods like he knows what I mean.

"Why don't we stop? I don't want you using any more sly questions on me." I say. He laughs. "Okay." He says. "What do you wanna do?" He asks. "How about some X-box or wii?" I ask with a knowing smile. He grins. "Hey, Rachel?" I ask. "Yeah?" She says turning to look at me. "We're going back home okay?" I say as Ryan and I stand up. Jason nods and gives a thumbs up. "See ya later!" They say waving. We wave goodbye back at them and head over to my car. We sit down, then drive home.

"What time is it?" I ask Ryan. He looks at his watch. "Two o' clock. We still need to eat lunch." He says. "Right. Let's eat first, then play." I say as I park the car in our garage. We get out and head into the kitchen.

"Alice? Did you cook lunch yet?" I call out. "Yup. It's in the dining room." She says peeking out of the servants' room. We call them helpers actually. Not as "mean", I guess. We run into the dining room, pray, then eat.

"You're like a hungry pig." I say to Ryan. "You're like a starving elephant who's also half hog." He retaliates. I stick my tongue out at him and we laugh. We finish and run up to the game room. The game room has a 50 inch tv, with a wii and X-box included.

We play wii sports. It's nice to just kick back and relax all of a sudden without any homework and projects to do.

We play for hours. Doing different games, winning and losing, laughing and yelling till they all come home. Rachel and Jason find us and join in. We dance, play games and such.

"Seems like you all are having fun." My mom says coming in. "We sure are!" I say laughing. "Come on. It's six O' clock. Time for dinner." My dad says happily as we all go downstairs and eat dinner. Normal day. Except it's summer time.

After dinner, we have our family talk. Talking about random stuff. Then when nine o' clock chimes, we pray, then my mom signals us that we have one more hour till bed time. Oh, man.

We climb up the stairs and into our rooms on the second floor. I sit at my desk and go onto my laptop. If my summer will be like this the whole time, I don't know what'll happen. It'll be nice spending time with Ryan again, but I wanna do something more fun. Lord, please let my summer be fun. I click onto a message Brandon sent me. He's my best friend. Ever since kindergarten. He's been my friend in school and in church too.

An excited look creeps onto my face. "Mom!" I call out as I run out of my room.

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