Chapter 9:Rachel

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I look at the clock it's 6:00am. Oh. Why do I always wake I early during summer days? Whenever it was school time, I'd always almost sleep in. Now, it's the opposite.

I get out and shower. Today, I'll have to go to the seamstress to fit my gown. So will my mom. Anne had been cheerful yesterday. We all like it, but something's not quite right.

I now know that Anne is really planning on going somewhere. New York most likely. But I don't know when. And, I don't want her too.

She must be going through something or someone must be hurting her. She isn't like this. Her temper tantrums are the worst she throws at people. Well, she is eighteen. She's smart enough and old enough to do some scheming.

For the past two weeks, I always check into Anne's and Ryan's rooms when I wake up. I wake up the earliest anyway. Ryan's room is closer to mine. It's across the hallway.

I open the door and climb up the stairs and peek. He's sleeping peacefully. With little snores. Roger's snuggling up at the bottom of the bed. I laugh quietly. Good thing our doors don't squeak. If they did, Ryan would get mad at me.

I close the door and I head over to Rayanne's room. It's beside Ryan's. I open the door and see Pansy sleeping on her little bed. I walk up the stairs. I peek. The covers are up over the bed. I open them. Just as I thought. Pillows pretending to be a person. That's a really old trick.

I sit on her bed thinking. Lord, please protect her and help her. Help her realize that she didn't need to do this. I pray silently.

I head downstairs and eat breakfast. I hear Jason's car come up the driveway. I stand up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My parents come down and sit at the table. It's 7:00am.

"You're early." I tell them with a small smile. "Yes, well, there's another problem. We need to take care of it." My mom says. "Please tell Ryan and Anne." My dad says as they finish hurrying through their meal.

I look away. Jason comes in with a big smile. "Good morning Mr and Mrs Chaise." He says. My parents smile. "Good morning Jason." My parents reply. "Where will you two be going today?" My dad asks. "We'll be fitting our clothes for the wedding. You two and Ryan can come along later." I say. My parents look at each other.

"How long will you stay at Cristy's?" My mom asks. "Probably about an hour. We still have to finalize Rayanne's dress." I say. "Oh okay." We'll go there around lunch time." My parents say. I nod and look at Jason. I walk into the living room and look at him. His face drops.

"She's done it. Hasn't she?" He asks quietly. I nod. "You really do know our family well." I say with a little smile. "Of course I do." He says hugging me. I hug him back. "Don't worry. She'll be fine. She'll come back. Soon. Hopefully." He says kissing my hair.

My parents are about to leave. "Wanna tell them?" He asks. I look at him. I shake my head. "Let them figure it out. I may get in trouble, but I need to keep my promise to Anne." I say. He nods and we say goodbye to my parents.

We sit down on the sofa. "Let's wait for Ryan." I say. Jason nods and we sit there thinking. Rayanne Grace Chaise is going to New York. She's probably there now. Oh, she's gonna get in big trouble.

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